In the quest of getting JUnit tests to be part of how we use Ryhtm we came up with the code snippet below. All went well until we added


which obviously is a java annotation and uses the @ marker as a syntax element that is also being used by Rythm. How can the desired effect be achieved to get the @annotation? To simply escape the @@ does not work it gives a

Syntax error on token "@", delete this token

error. So How can a Java @ annotation be used ?

I have also filed this as a bug report at https://github.com/greenlaw110/Rythm/issues/285

@// This is a rythm template
@import static org.junit.Assert.*
@import org.junit.Test.*
@def static {
  class TestMe {
    String name;
    public void testMe() {
  TestMe testme=new TestMe();
The TestMe has the name @(testme.name)

2 回答 2


If you use a fully qualifying annotation it should work:

于 2015-10-10T13:19:15.827 回答

@import org.junit.Test.* in your template code should be @import org.junit.Test, note that .* needs to be take off

于 2015-10-11T03:21:12.773 回答