The cygwin bash console only resets the cursor to the top of the screen, it does not clear the screen. vi does funny things with the cursor - hard to explain, but the cursor seems double wide when in vi. top output is mostly double-spaced, but sometimes single spaces.

When I use mintty I have none of these issues.

I've tried all kinds of settings in the last several hours, too many to list. Seems like I'm going backwards. I've got conemu working great on another computer, and I've tried replicating the setup but there must be something I'm missing.

What information can I provide to help solve these issues?


2 回答 2



于 2016-04-13T17:43:05.057 回答

原来问题机器有旧版本的 Cygwin。Mintty在 2015 年 7 月获得了重大升级。自从我在那台机器上安装 Cygwin 以来的 2 年内,许多其他软件包也得到了升级。升级 Cygwin 后,问题就消失了。

于 2015-10-11T13:35:22.913 回答