在 reactive-banana <1.0.0 中,这有效:
-- takes a start value, minimum and maximum value, flag whether counter is
-- cyclic, an increment and decrement event stream and returns a behavior
mkCounter :: (Enum a,Ord a) => a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Bool
-> Event t b -> Event t c -> Behavior t a
mkCounter start minVal maxVal cyclic incE decE = counter
let incF curr | isNothing maxVal = succ
| Just maxv <- maxVal, curr<maxv = succ
| Just maxv <- maxVal, Just minv <- minVal, cyclic = const minv
| otherwise = id
decF curr | isNothing minVal = pred
| Just minv <- minVal, curr>minv = pred
| Just minv <- minVal, Just maxv <- maxVal, cyclic = const maxv
| otherwise = id
counter = accumB start $ ((incF <$> counter) <@ incE) `union`((decF <$> counter) <@ decE)
是根据自身定义的。但是在新的 monadic API 中,accumB
是一个 monadic 函数,这是我看不到如何进行的地方 -Moment
mkCounter :: (MonadMoment m,Enum a,Ord a) => a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Bool
-> Event b -> Event c -> m (Behavior a)
mkCounter start minVal maxVal cyclic incE decE = do
-- .. same as above ..
counter <- accumB start $ unions [((incF <$> counter) <@ incE)
,((decF <$> counter) <@ decE)]
return counter