我正在使用“nl.x-services.plugins.socialsharing”“ https://github.com/EddyVerbruggen/SocialSharing-PhoneGap-Plugin ”以便我向任何人发送/共享消息(通过电子邮件、facebook、whatsapp、等等..)。


我的意思是,一旦我通过 Whatsapp 向人(X)发送消息,我就可以向他/她发送另一条消息(根据我的应用程序中完成的某些操作)。

那么,我可以存储接收者凭证吗?以及如何从 SocialSharing 获得它?另外,我如何向 SocialSharing 发送要发送的特定凭证?


1 回答 1


You will not be able to use this plugin to do these actions in the background, and I don't think there can or should be a plugin that lets you do that for security reasons.

You are able to use the plugin to send emails/messages to specific recipients (By email address or phone number) but the user will be prompted to complete the action.

You can check the plugin JS source code and look at the function headers here


Good Luck

于 2015-10-07T12:02:54.883 回答