I am trying Sauce Labs to run Appium tests and I want to compare it with Browserstack. The problem is that I cannot find any doc about 'running appium tests' on Browserstack.
Is it possible to run Appium tests on Browserstack?
I am trying Sauce Labs to run Appium tests and I want to compare it with Browserstack. The problem is that I cannot find any doc about 'running appium tests' on Browserstack.
Is it possible to run Appium tests on Browserstack?
是的,BrowserStack 为 iOS 上的 Selenium 浏览器测试提供 Appium。例如,要在 BrowserStack 上在 iPhone 6 上运行 Selenium 测试,您需要将其指向 BrowserStack 的 Selenium 集线器“ http://hub.browserstack.com/wd/hub ”并设置如下功能:
'browserName' : 'iPhone'
'platform' : 'MAC'
'device' : 'iPhone 6'
是的,这是完全可能的。您可以创建一个试用帐户,您将获得 100 分钟的应用程序自动化时间。免费帐户也支持少数设备。