Sa 1 #
Sa 2
U 328 #*
Sa 1 # Random line of text follows.
Sa 2 This text is just as random.
U 328 #* Continuing text...
我在下面的代码中尝试做的是将“keys.text”中的键与 .txt 文件中的相同键匹配,并在键和文本之间放置一个制表符。我确定我忽略了一些非常基本的东西,但是我得到的结果看起来与源 .txt 文件相同。
use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
open(IN1, "keys.text");
my $key;
# Read each line one at a time
while ($key = <IN1>) {
# For each txt file in the current directory
foreach my $file (<*.txt>) {
open(IN, $file) or die("Cannot open TXT file for reading: $!");
open(OUT, ">temp.txt") or die("Cannot open output file: $!");
# Add temp modified file into directory
my $newFilename = "modified\/keyed_" . $file;
my $line;
# Read each line one at a time
while ($line = <IN>) {
$line =~ s/"\$key"/"\$key" . "\/t"/;
print(OUT "$line");
rename("temp.txt", "$newFilename");
Sa 1 # Random line of text follows.
Sa 2 This text is just as random.
U 328 #* Continuing text...