我有一个用常规编写的函数numpy ndarray,另一个用typed memoryview. 但是,我无法让该memoryview版本比普通版本运行得更快(不像许多博客,例如memoryview benchmarks)。

任何提高 memoryview 代码速度与 numpy 替代方案的指针/建议将不胜感激!...或者...如果有人能指出任何明显的原因,为什么 memoryview 版本并不比常规 numpy 版本快多少

在下面的代码中有两个函数,它们都接受两个向量bixi返回一个矩阵。第一个功能shrink_correl是常规的 numpy 版本,第二个功能shrink_correl2是 memoryview 替代方案(让文件成为sh_cor.pyx)。

# cython: boundscheck=False
# cython: wraparound=False
# cython: cdivision=True

cimport cython
cimport numpy as np
import numpy as np
from numpy cimport ndarray as ar

# -- ***this is the Regular Cython version*** -
cpdef ar[double, ndim=2, mode='c'] shrink_correl(ar[double, ndim=1, mode='c'] bi, ar[double, ndim=1, mode='c'] xi):
        int n_ = xi.shape[0]
        int n__ = int(n_*(n_-1)/2)
        ar[double, ndim=2, mode='c'] f = np.zeros([n__, n_+1])
        int x__ = 0
        ar[double, ndim=2, mode='c'] f1 = np.zeros([n_, n_+1])
        ar[double, ndim=2, mode='c'] f2 = np.zeros([n__, n_+1])
        ar[double, ndim=1, mode='c'] g = np.zeros(n_+1)
        ar[double, ndim=1, mode='c'] s = np.zeros(n__)
        ar[double, ndim=2, mode='c'] cori_ = np.zeros([n_, n_])
        Py_ssize_t j, k

    with nogil:
        for j in range(0, n_-1):
            for k in range(j+1, n_):
                x__ += 1
                f[x__-1, j] = bi[k]*xi[k]*1000
                f[x__-1, k] = bi[j]*xi[j]*1000
    f1 = np.dot(np.transpose(f), f)      
    with nogil:
        for j in range(0, n_):
            f1[n_, j] = xi[j]*1000
            f1[j, n_] = f1[n_, j]
    f2 = np.dot(f, np.linalg.inv(f1))
    with nogil:
        for j in range(0, n_):
            g[j] = -bi[j]*xi[j]*1000

    s = np.dot(f2, g)

    with nogil:
        for j in range(0, n_):
            cori_[j, j] = 1.0
    x__ = 0

    with nogil:
        for j in range(0, n_-1):
            for k in range(j+1, n_):
                x__ += 1
                cori_[j, k] = s[x__-1]
                cori_[k, j] = cori_[j, k]
    return cori_

# -- ***this is the MemoryView Cython version*** -    
cpdef ar[double, ndim=2, mode='c'] shrink_correl2(double[:] bi, double[:] xi):
        int n_ = xi.shape[0]
        int n__ = int(n_*(n_-1)/2)
        double[:, ::1] f = np.zeros([n__, n_+1])
        int x__ = 0
        double[:, ::1] f1 = np.zeros([n_, n_+1])
        double[:, ::1] f2 = np.zeros([n__, n_+1])
        double[:] g = np.zeros(n_+1)
        double[:] s = np.zeros(n__)
        double[:, ::1] cori_ = np.zeros([n_, n_])
        ar[double, ndim=2, mode='c'] cori__ = np.zeros([n_, n_])
        Py_ssize_t j, k
    with nogil:
        for j in range(0, n_-1):
            for k in range(j+1, n_):
                x__ += 1
                f[x__-1, j] = bi[k]*xi[k]*1000
                f[x__-1, k] = bi[j]*xi[j]*1000
    f1 = np.dot(np.transpose(f), f)      
    with nogil:
        for j in range(0, n_):
            f1[n_, j] = xi[j]*1000
            f1[j, n_] = f1[n_, j]
    f2 = np.dot(f, np.linalg.inv(f1))
    with nogil:
        for j in range(0, n_):
            g[j] = -bi[j]*xi[j]*1000

    s = np.dot(f2, g)

    with nogil:
        for j in range(0, n_):
            cori_[j, j] = 1.0
    x__ = 0

    with nogil:
        for j in range(0, n_-1):
            for k in range(j+1, n_):
                x__ += 1
                cori_[j, k] = s[x__-1]
                cori_[k, j] = cori_[j, k]
    cori__[:, :] = cori_
    return cori__


from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
import numpy as np
import os

ext_modules = [Extension('sh_cor', ['sh_cor.pyx'], include_dirs=[np.get_include(),
                                                                 os.path.join(np.get_include(), 'numpy')],
                         define_macros=[('NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API', None)],
                         extra_compile_args=['-O3', '-march=native', '-ffast-math', '-flto'],

    name="Sh Cor",
    cmdclass={'build_ext': build_ext},


import numpy as np
import sh_cor  # this the library created by the setup.py file
import time

b = np.random.random(400)
b = b/np.sum(b)

x = np.random.random(400)-0.5

n = 10 

t0 = time.time()
for i in range(n):
    v1 = sh_cor.shrink_correl(b, x)
t1 = time.time()

t0 = time.time()
for i in range(n):
    v2 = sh_cor.shrink_correl2(b, x)
t1 = time.time()


0.7070999860763549   # regular numpy
0.6726999998092651   # memoryview

使用 memoryview(在上面的代码中)只给我 5% 的速度提升(不像博客中的巨大速度提升)。


1 回答 1


@uday 给我大约一周的时间,因为我的电脑少了,但这里是加快速度让你开始的地方:1)而不是使用np.transpose创建一个与你想要在任何循环之前转置的内存视图相同的内存视图来附加 gil(即你' 将变量f声明为不需要 gil 的 memoryview 并在其上创建一个视图f_t,即cdef double[:, ::1] f_T = np.transpose(f)或只是=f.T

2)这一步有点棘手,因为你需要一个 C/C++ 样式的包装器版本np.dot(所以在这种情况下,确保对dgemm函数的调用在with nogil:它上面并在下一行缩进函数以释放具有 4 个空格的 gil缩进 SO 要求):https ://gist.github.com/pv/5437087 。该示例看起来可行(尽管您必须保存包含f2pyptr.h文件并将其放在正在构建项目的位置;我也怀疑您应该添加cimport numpy as np);如果没有,它需要模组,你可以看到我在另一篇文章中所做的那样: Calling BLAS / LAPACK directly using the SciPy interface and Cython (pointer issue?)/- 还有如何添加 MKL然后你需要添加from cython.parallel cimport prange顶部并将所有循环更改为prangefromrange并确保您的所有prange部分nogil和所有变量cdef在操作之前都已声明。此外,您必须-openmp在编译器参数中添加 setup.py 以及指向其包含库的链接。如果您需要澄清,请提出更多问题。这并不像应有的那么容易,但只要有一点指导就会变得非常简单。基本上,一旦您setup.py被修改以包含所有内容,它将继续工作。

3)虽然可能最容易修复 - 摆脱那个列表。如果您需要文本和数据,请将其设为 numpy 数组或 pandas 数据框。每当我使用数据列表时,速度的下降都是令人难以置信的。

于 2017-06-27T14:36:16.557 回答