Microsoft SQL Server 中存在一个表,其中包含记录 ID、开始日期、结束日期和数量。

这个想法是,对于每条记录,数量/范围内的总天数 = 每日数量。

鉴于存在包含所有可能日期的表,如何在 SQL Server 中生成类似于以下示例的结果集?


RecordID | Start Date | End Date  | Quantity
1        |  1/1/2010  | 1/5/2010  | 30000
2        |  1/3/2010  | 1/9/2010  | 20000
3        |  1/1/2010  | 1/7/2010  | 10000

Results as
1        | 1/1/2010 |  QTY (I can do the math easy, just need the dates view)
1        | 1/2/2010 | 
1        | 1/3/2010 | 
1        | 1/4/2010 | 
1        | 1/3/2010 | 
2        | 1/4/2010 | 
2        | 1/5/2010 | 
2        | 1/6/2010 | 
2        | 1/7/2010 | 
2        | 1/8/2010 | 
2        | 1/9/2010 | 
3        | 1/1/2010 | 
3        | 1/2/2010 | 
3        | 1/3/2010 | 
3        | 1/4/2010 | 
3        | 1/5/2010 | 
3        | 1/6/2010 | 
3        | 1/7/2010 | 



澄清一下,这只是一个示例。过滤器无关紧要,因为我可以加入到一边以在结果中提取与记录 ID 相关的详细信息。

真实数据包含 N 条记录,每周增加,日期永远不会相同。可能有 2000 条记录具有不同的开始日期和结束日期......这就是我要为其生成视图的内容。我可以正确加入数据以完成我需要的其余工作

我还应该提到这是针对过去、现在和未来的数据。我很想摆脱一个临时的日期表。我正在使用递归查询来获取 50 年内存在的所有日期,但这超出了我无法使用的视图的 MAXRECURSION 限制。


2 回答 2



select RecordId,d.[Date], Qty/ COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY RecordId) AS Qty
from EX join Dates d on d.Date between [Start Date] and [End Date]
ORDER BY RecordId,[Date]

注意:下面的演示 CTE 使用dateSQL Server 2008 的数据类型,但一般方法也适用于 SQL2005。


/*CTEs for testing purposes only*/

    SELECT 1 AS RecordId, 
    cast('1/1/2010' as date) as [Start Date], 
    cast('1/5/2010' as date) as  [End Date], 
    30000 AS Qty
union all
    SELECT 2 AS RecordId, 
    cast('1/3/2010' as date) as [Start Date], 
    cast('1/9/2010' as date) as  [End Date], 
    20000  AS Qty
),Dates AS /*Dates Table now adjusted to do greater range*/

SELECT  DATEADD(day,s1.number + 2048*s2.number,'1990-01-01') AS [Date] 
FROM master.dbo.spt_values s1 CROSS JOIN master.dbo.spt_values s2
where s1.type='P' AND s2.type='P' and s2.number <= 8
order by  [Date] 

select RecordId,d.[Date], Qty/ COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY RecordId) AS Qty
from EX join Dates d on d.Date between [Start Date] and [End Date]
ORDER BY RecordId,[Date]


RecordId    Date       Qty
----------- ---------- -----------
1           2010-01-01 6000
1           2010-01-02 6000
1           2010-01-03 6000
1           2010-01-04 6000
1           2010-01-05 6000
2           2010-01-03 2857
2           2010-01-04 2857
2           2010-01-05 2857
2           2010-01-06 2857
2           2010-01-07 2857
2           2010-01-08 2857
2           2010-01-09 2857
于 2010-07-20T22:11:19.777 回答


SELECT [Quantities].[RecordID], [Dates].[Date], SUM([Quantity])
FROM [Dates]
JOIN [Quantities] on [Dates].[Date] between [Quantities].[Start Date] and [End Date]
GROUP BY [Quantities].[RecordID], [Dates].[Date]
ORDER BY [Quantities].[RecordID], [Dates].[Date]
于 2010-07-20T21:47:56.090 回答