如果问题太模糊,请原谅我。我不是三叶草专家,但我需要解决这个问题。Clover 似乎对特定类有问题,如下面的跟踪所示。我需要完全从三叶草部分中排除这个类,因为这个类并不是所有必要的。这甚至是三叶草问题还是只是 java 问题?再次感谢,对不起,如果这只是微不足道的。
enter code here [javac] [apt] warning: Annotation types without processors: [java.lang.SuppressWarnings]
[apt] 1 warning
[apt] Ignoring compiler attribute for the APT task, as it is fixed
[javac] Compiling 268 source files to /home/retail_website/build/.src/Platform/AlibrisBiz/build/classes
[clover] Clover Version 2.6.0, built on September 09 2009 (build-771)
[clover] Loaded from: /home/retail_website/build/clover/clover.jar
[clover] Clover: Commercial License registered to Alibris.
[clover] Updating existing database at '/home/retail_website/build/clover.database/clover.db'.
[clover] Processing files at 1.5 source level.
[clover] Clover all over. Instrumented 268 files (27 packages).
[clover] Elapsed time = 7.155 secs. (37.456 files/sec, 9,859.259 /tmp/clover51982.tmp/com/maxmind/geoip/regionName.java:4: code too large for try statement
[javac] static public String regionNameByCode(String country_code,String region_code) {try{__CLR2_6_09so9sogbuuz0jf.R.inc(12696);
[javac] ^
[javac] /tmp/clover51982.tmp/com/maxmind/geoip/regionName.java:4: code too large
[javac] static public String regionNameByCode(String country_code,String region_code) {try{__CLR2_6_09so9sogbuuz0jf.R.inc(12696);
[javac] ^
[javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
[javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
[javac] 2 errors