std::string stHehe("Hello ");
stHehe += "stackoverflow.com";
stHehe += "!";
std::string stHehe("Hello ");
stHehe += "stackoverflow.com";
stHehe += "!";
Personally, I find it very rare that I want to perform streaming into and out of the same string stream.
Usually I want to either initialize a stream from a string and then parse it; or stream things to a string stream and then extract the result and store it.
If you're streaming to and from the same stream, you have to be very careful with the stream state and stream positions.
Using 'just' istringstream
or ostringstream
better expresses your intent and gives you some checking against silly mistakes such as accidental use of <<
vs >>
There might be some performance improvement but I wouldn't be looking at that first.
There's nothing wrong with what you've written. If you find it doesn't perform well enough, then you could profile other approaches, otherwise stick with what's clearest. Personally, I'd just go for:
std::string stHehe( "Hello stackoverflow.com!" );
A stringstream
is somewhat larger, and might have slightly lower performance -- multiple inheritance can require an adjustment to the vtable pointer. The main difference is (at least in theory) better expressing your intent, and preventing you from accidentally using >>
where you intended <<
(or vice versa). OTOH, the difference is sufficiently small that especially for quick bits of demonstration code and such, I'm lazy and just use stringstream
. I can't quite remember the last time I accidentally used <<
when I intended >>
, so to me that bit of safety seems mostly theoretical (especially since if you do make such a mistake, it'll almost always be really obvious almost immediately).
Nothing at all wrong with just using a string, as long as it accomplishes what you want. If you're just putting strings together, it's easy and works fine. If you want to format other kinds of data though, a stringstream
will support that, and a string mostly won't.
显式地表明您的意图。它还可以防止您意外输入错误的运算符 ( <<
vs >>
最后,使用字符串追加没有任何问题,因为您必须构造纯字符串。您只是不能像在 perl 等语言中那样使用它来组合数字。
istringstream is for input, ostringstream for output. stringstream is input and output. You can use stringstream pretty much everywhere. However, if you give your object to another user, and it uses operator >> whereas you where waiting a write only object, you will not be happy ;-)
PS: nothing bad about it, just performance issues.
To answer your third question: No, that's perfectly reasonable. The advantage of using streams is that you can enter any sort of value that's got an operator<<
defined, while you can only add strings (either C++ or C) to a std::string
std::ostringstream::str() 创建流内容的副本,这在某些情况下会使内存使用量翻倍。您可以使用 std::stringstream 及其 rdbuf() 函数来避免这种情况。
Presumably when only insertion or only extraction is appropriate for your operation you could use one of the 'i' or 'o' prefixed versions to exclude the unwanted operation.
If that is not important then you can use the i/o version.
The string concatenation you're showing is perfectly valid. Although concatenation using stringstream is possible that is not the most useful feature of stringstreams, which is to be able to insert and extract POD and abstract data types.
Why open a file for read/write access if you only need to read from it, for example?
What if multiple processes needed to read from the same file?