从这里的上一个问题开始: Reactive Banana: how to use values from a remote API and merge them in the event stream
输出用作 IO 操作的输入并最终显示 IO 操作的结果?
import System.Random
type RemoteValue = Int
-- generate a random value within [0, 10)
getRemoteApiValue :: IO RemoteValue
getRemoteApiValue = (`mod` 10) <$> randomIO
getAnotherRemoteApiValue :: AppState -> IO RemoteValue
getAnotherRemoteApiValue state = (`mod` 10) <$> randomIO + count state
data AppState = AppState { count :: Int } deriving Show
transformState :: RemoteValue -> AppState -> AppState
transformState v (AppState x) = AppState $ x + v
main :: IO ()
main = start $ do
f <- frame [text := "AppState"]
myButton <- button f [text := "Go"]
output <- staticText f []
output2 <- staticText f []
set f [layout := minsize (sz 300 200)
$ margin 10
$ column 5 [widget myButton, widget output, widget output2]]
let networkDescription :: forall t. Frameworks t => Moment t ()
networkDescription = do
ebt <- event0 myButton command
remoteValueB <- fromPoll getRemoteApiValue
myRemoteValue <- changes remoteValueB
events = transformState <$> remoteValueB <@ ebt
coreOfTheApp :: Behavior t AppState
coreOfTheApp = accumB (AppState 0) events
sink output [text :== show <$> coreOfTheApp]
sink output2 [text :== show <$> reactimate ( getAnotherRemoteApiValue <@> coreOfTheApp)]
network <- compile networkDescription
actuate network
正如您所看到的,我正在尝试使用应用程序的新状态 -> getAnotherRemoteApiValue
-> 显示。但它不起作用。
更新 基于以下 Erik Allik 和 Heinrich Apfelmus 的答案,我有当前的代码情况 - 有效:):
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main where
import System.Random
import Graphics.UI.WX hiding (Event, newEvent)
import Reactive.Banana
import Reactive.Banana.WX
data AppState = AppState { count :: Int } deriving Show
initialState :: AppState
initialState = AppState 0
transformState :: RemoteValue -> AppState -> AppState
transformState v (AppState x) = AppState $ x + v
type RemoteValue = Int
main :: IO ()
main = start $ do
f <- frame [text := "AppState"]
myButton <- button f [text := "Go"]
output1 <- staticText f []
output2 <- staticText f []
set f [layout := minsize (sz 300 200)
$ margin 10
$ column 5 [widget myButton, widget output1, widget output2]]
let networkDescription :: forall t. Frameworks t => Moment t ()
networkDescription = do
ebt <- event0 myButton command
remoteValue1B <- fromPoll getRemoteApiValue
let remoteValue1E = remoteValue1B <@ ebt
appStateE = accumE initialState $ transformState <$> remoteValue1E
appStateB = stepper initialState appStateE
mapIO' :: (a -> IO b) -> Event t a -> Moment t (Event t b)
mapIO' ioFunc e1 = do
(e2, handler) <- newEvent
reactimate $ (\a -> ioFunc a >>= handler) <$> e1
return e2
remoteValue2E <- mapIO' getAnotherRemoteApiValue appStateE
let remoteValue2B = stepper Nothing $ Just <$> remoteValue2E
sink output1 [text :== show <$> appStateB]
sink output2 [text :== show <$> remoteValue2B]
network <- compile networkDescription
actuate network
getRemoteApiValue :: IO RemoteValue
getRemoteApiValue = do
putStrLn "getRemoteApiValue"
(`mod` 10) <$> randomIO
getAnotherRemoteApiValue :: AppState -> IO RemoteValue
getAnotherRemoteApiValue state = do
putStrLn $ "getAnotherRemoteApiValue: state = " ++ show state
return $ count state