我一直在阅读文档,但仍然无法弄清楚如何让 IBM/Secure-Gateway-client 在 docker 中使用 ACL 文件选项运行。
我已经拉取了客户端 docker 镜像,并且一直在使用以下语法:
bash -c 'nohup docker run ibmcom/secure-gateway-client --F aclfile.txt xxx_stage_ng > tmp/run_sgc.log 2>&1 &'
[2015-09-30 11:30:41.764] [ERROR] An exception occurred reading or processing the ACL file, error is Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory 'aclfile.txt'
[2015-09-30 11:30:41.764] [WARN] The ACL has been set to DENY ALL until this is fixed.
[2015-09-30 11:30:43.779] [INFO] The Secure Gateway tunnel is connected
我已经给出了文件的完整路径,没有路径(如上)和我能想到的任何临时选项。容器运行,但没有使用我想在 ACL 文件中指定的选项。