
 - SolutionA which references
                 X.dll version 3
                 Z.dll version 1 which references
                                       X.dll version 1

 - SolutionB which references
                 X.dll version 2

 - SolutionC which references
                 X.dll version 1


X.dll 包含一些 XAML(取决于我更改文本、背景和前景的 DLL 版本):

<UserControl x:Class="X.MainWindow"
        <Label Foreground="Black" Content="version 1" />


Z.dll 还包含一些使用 X.dll 的 XAML:

<UserControl x:Class="Z.ZMainWindow">
        <X:MainWindow />


解决方案A 显示 X 版本 3 和 Z 版本 1(显示 X 版本 1)

解决方案 B 显示 X 版本 2

SolutionC 显示 X 版本 1


我想要的是始终使用更高版本的 Assembly,这意味着 SolutionA、SolutionB 和 SolutionC 必须始终使用版本 3中的X.dll

这是我用于 AssemblyResolve 的代码:

private static Assembly OnAssemblyResolveWithDllPaths(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args)
        AssemblyName parsedName = new AssemblyName(args.Name);
        Version currentVersion = parsedName.Version;
        string currentName = parsedName.Name;
        string currentCulture = parsedName.CultureName;
        byte[] currentPublicKeyToken = parsedName.GetPublicKeyToken();
        string assemblyPath = string.Empty;

        if (loadedAssemblies.FirstOrDefault(a => a == args.Name) != null)
            // Assembly has already been loaded
            return null;

        List<string> possibleAssembliesPaths = m_dllPaths.Where(d => d.Contains(parsedName.Name)).ToList();

        if (possibleAssembliesPaths != null && possibleAssembliesPaths.Count > 0)
            if (possibleAssembliesPaths.Count == 1)
                assemblyPath = possibleAssembliesPaths[0];
                foreach (string possibleAssembly in possibleAssembliesPaths)
                    if (File.Exists(possibleAssembly))
                        AssemblyName possibleAssemblyName = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(possibleAssembly);
                        Version possibleVersion = possibleAssemblyName.Version;
                        string possibleName = possibleAssemblyName.Name;
                        string possibleCulture = possibleAssemblyName.CultureName;
                        byte[] possiblePublicKeyToken = possibleAssemblyName.GetPublicKeyToken();

                        if (currentName == possibleName 
                            && currentCulture == possibleCulture 
                            && currentPublicKeyToken.SequenceEqual(possiblePublicKeyToken) 
                            && currentVersion < possibleVersion)
                            assemblyPath = possibleAssembly;
                            currentVersion = possibleAssemblyName.Version;
                            currentName = possibleAssemblyName.Name;
                            currentCulture = possibleAssemblyName.CultureName;
                            currentPublicKeyToken = possibleAssemblyName.GetPublicKeyToken();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(assemblyPath))
                return Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyPath);
        return null;

    return null;



即(在 Z.dll 中):<Label Foreground="Black" Content="version 1" />变为<Label Foreground="Black" Content="version 1" x:Name="LabelV1" />

和(在 X.dll 中):<X:MainWindow x:Name="XMainWindow" />变成<X:MainWindow x:Name="XMainWindow" />

此时,SolutionA 出现异常,在 SolutionA 之前加载 SolutionA 时不显示(SolutionB 从来不是问题,只要在 SolutionA 之前加载 SolutionC,一切正常)。

我看到的是,当我附加到AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyLoad += CurrentDomain_AssemblyLoadXAML 时,它们会自动加载他们需要的程序集:

SolutionC's XAML loads X in version 1
SolutionA's XAML loads X in version 3
SolutionA's XAML loads Z in version 1

然后我在 xaml.cs 中看到以下异常:

An exception of type 'System.Exception' occurred in PresentationFramework.dll but was not handled in user code
Additional information: The component 'X.MainWindow' does not have a resource identified by the URI '/X;component/mainwindow.xaml'.

以及 xaml 中的以下内容:

Exception thrown: 'System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException' in PresentationFramework.dll
Additional information: 'The invocation of the constructor on type 'X.MainWindow' that matches the specified binding constraints threw an exception.' Line number '10' and line position '10'.




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