我有点绝望,所以我在这里!我对编程很陌生,并且被分配了一项任务,我需要使用一系列 SQL 查询来生成一个简单的 HTML 报告表。还有一个用户输入,他们从组合框中选择 ClinicID 并单击按钮以生成报告。
基本上,我有一个用“ClinicID”填充的组合框,如下所示。我还确保 SelectedIndex 正常工作。我需要在下面提供的 SQL 查询方法中以某种方式使用它。
Public Class frmReport1
'Set lsData for Clinics table
Dim lsData As List(Of Hashtable)
'On form load
Private Sub frmReport1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
cboClinicID.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList
'Instantiate new ClinicController object
Dim cController As ClinicController = New ClinicController
'Load ClinicID
lsData = cController.findId()
For Each clinic In lsData
End Sub
'Selected Index
Private Sub cboClinicID_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cboClinicID.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim selectedIndex As Integer = cboClinicID.SelectedIndex
Dim selectedItem As Object = cboClinicID.SelectedItem
'Print in debug window
Debug.Print("Selected clinicID: " & selectedItem.ToString())
Debug.Print("Selected clinicID index: " & selectedIndex.ToString())
Dim htData = lsData.Item(selectedIndex)
End Sub
SQL 查询方法 - **注意,我从两个不同的表中提取:
期望的结果:用这三个选定字段输出的 html 表格。
Public Class ClinicOrderController
Public Const CONNECTION_STRING As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=PharmDB.accdb"
'Dim cController As ClinicController = New ClinicController
'Dim oController As OrderController = New OrderController
Public Function findClinicOrder() As List(Of Hashtable)
'Instantiates a connection object
Dim oConnection As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(CONNECTION_STRING)
'Instantiates a list of hashtables
Dim lsData As New List(Of Hashtable)
Debug.Print("Connection string: " & oConnection.ConnectionString)
Dim oCommand As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand
oCommand.Connection = oConnection
'Stored in the CommandText property of the command object
'SELECT SQL statement
oCommand.CommandText = "SELECT clinics.clinic_id, orders.date_ordered, orders.total_price FROM clinics, orders WHERE clinics.clinic_id = orders.clinic_id AND clinics.clinic_id = ? ORDER BY clinics.clinic_id"
'Compiles the prepared statement
'Executes the SQL statement and stores the results in data reader object
Dim oDataReader = oCommand.ExecuteReader()
'Process data set in Hashtable
Dim htTempData As Hashtable
Do While oDataReader.Read() = True
htTempData = New Hashtable
htTempData("ClinicID") = CStr(oDataReader("clinic_id"))
htTempData("DateOrdered") = CStr(oDataReader("date_ordered"))
htTempData("OrderTotalPrice") = CStr(oDataReader("total_price"))
Debug.Print("The record was found.")
Catch ex As Exception
Debug.Print("ERROR:" & ex.Message)
MsgBox("An error occured!")
End Try
'Return list of hashtables to the calling function
Return lsData
End Function
真的,真的很感谢这里的任何帮助。我已经为此苦苦挣扎了 8 个多小时(不是在开玩笑——我允许你笑)