is there any basic implementation wicket 6.20 provides for a step overview functionality like in this picture or like this if the other won't work?

When looking at the documentation I couldn't find anything close to it, so I started by doing my own implementation like

public List<String> getSteps(WizardModel model){
    Iterator<IWizardStep> iterator = model.stepIterator();
    List<String> steps = new ArrayList<String>();

    for(int i = 1; iterator.hasNext(); i++){

    //model.getActiveStep(); unnecessary in this context
    return steps;

to get all possible steps in a List. And now I would go on by getting the index of the current panel (if possible) and get it's state by isColmplete(); to mark it in a different color. But I can't believe, that I'm the first one with this problem.
Should I go on with my idea or is there a better option?


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我会用一个AjaxTabbedPanel作为基础。您只需在下方添加一个“下一步”、“返回”和“完成”栏,并进行一些CSS样式 设置

于 2015-09-30T08:39:51.647 回答