I want to create vod streaming. I want to stream video through hls and mpeg-dash.
I am using H.264 / AAC. But I don't want to store video twice in both hls and mpeg-dash containers. Is it possible to store video in temporary containers (like mpeg-ts or mp4) and then use hls and mpeg-dash for streaming vod? Or is it possible to store video h.264 and audio aac separately and then pack video on the fly in hls or mpeg-dash?
I won't use live streaming.


1 回答 1


您提到的过程称为“transmuxing”,这意味着在容器之间重新打包。现代媒体服务器允许这样做,因此您只需将 MP4 文件放在磁盘上并设置媒体服务器进行处理,仅此而已。大多数媒体服务器都能够从多个关键帧对齐的 MP4 创建 ABR,以及从单个文件中转换多个视频和音频轨道。

于 2015-09-30T01:35:33.917 回答