I'm making an admin panel for a Django-Mptt tree structure using the FeinCMS TreeEditor interface. This interface provides an 'actions column' per-node for things like adding or moving nodes quickly without using the typical Django admin action select box.
What I am trying to do is add a custom admin action to this collection which passes the pk of the node to a celery task which will then add a collection of nodes as children. Existing functions are simply href links to the URL for that task(add/delete/move), so thus far I have simply mimicked this.
My solution currently involves:
- Define the action as a function on the model
- Create a view which uses this function and redirects back to the changelist
- Add this view to the admin URLs
- Super the TreeEditor actions column into the ModelAdmin class
- Add an action to the collection which calls this URL
Surely there must be a better method than this? It works, but it feels massively convoluted and un-DRY, and I'm sure it'll break in odd ways.
Unfortunately I'm only a month or two into working with Django so there's probably some obvious functions I could be using. I suspect that I might be able to do something with get_urls() and defining the function directly in the ModelAdmin, or use a codeblock within the injected HTML to call the function directly, though I'm not sure how and whether it's considered a better option.
Code: I've renamed everything to a simpler library <> books example to remove the unrelated functionality from the above example image.
class Library(models.Model):
def get_books(self):
# Celery task; file omitted for brevity
def get_books_in_library(request, library_id):
this_library = Library.objects.get(pk=library_id)
messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, 'Library "{0}" books requested.'.format(this_library.name))
redirect_url = urlresolvers.reverse('admin:myapp_library_changelist')
return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url)
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^admin/myapp/library/(?P<library_id>[0-9]+)/get_books/$', get_books_in_library, name='get books in library'),
url(r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)),
class LibraryAdmin(TreeEditor):
model = Library
def _actions_column(self, obj):
actions = super(LibraryAdmin, self)._actions_column(obj)
0, u'<a title="{0}" href="{1}/get_books"><img src="{2}admin/img/icon_addlink.gif" alt="{0}" /></a>'.format(
_('Get Books'),
return actions
Note that I may have broken something in renaming things and removing the extraneous cruft if you try to execute this code, I think it should adequately illustrate what I'm trying to do here however.