I have a webapplication in multiple Regions in the Azure Cloud and i'm using the Traffic Manager in Performance mode zu redirect the user to the closest Region.

What's concerning me is the following: With this site https://www.whatsmydns.net i checked my Webapplication to see, which Datacenter is selected. The funny thing is, that people from California gets redirected to the server in Westeurope but there is a Server in US Central too. So from the site of the traffic manager the ping to the europe server is faster then to US central. But i believe, that the difference between these too can not be high...

Now i have the fear, that it can happen that a user jumps between US Central and Europe all the time because he is in such a zone where the latencies to the available servers are nearly identical. I also store files in a Azure Storage account in each region. If the user now jumps, i would have to transfer these files between the regions all the time...

So i was wondering if there is a possibility to redirect the user by his GEOIp to a specific region than by latency?

One of the benefit of the traffic manager is in my eyes that i can use one domain for all regions... the only solution for my problem i can think of is a own cloudservice which replaces the traffic manager and redirects the user to the different regions by their IP like us-center.DOMAIN.com, we-eu.DOMAIN.com etc...

Are there any other solutions? Thanks for your help!

Br, metabolic


1 回答 1


如果您认为流量管理器错误地路由查询,则应通过 Azure 支持提出。

流量管理器“性能”模式路由基于到 Azure 数据中心延迟映射的内部“IP 地址”。在地图中查找 DNS 查询的源 IP(通常是 DNS 服务器的 IP)以确定哪个 Azure 位置将提供最佳性能。有一个隐含的假设,即 DNS 服务器的 IP 地址是最终用户位置的良好代理。

Azure 流量管理器中的“性能”模式是确定性的。来自同一地址的相同查询将被一致地路由。唯一的例外是路由可能会在偶尔的地图更新期间发生变化,这只会影响一小部分 IP 地址空间。

路由更改的一个更常见原因是客户从一个地方移动到另一个地方。例如,在旅行期间,或者只是通过使用不同位置的 DNS 服务、具有不同 IP 地址的 Wifi 网络。

流量管理器当前不支持基于 Geo-IP 的路由。但是,请注意,它的工作方式与“性能”路由相同,只是它会使用不同的映射。由于地图更新或更改 DNS 服务器,用户仍可能被路由到不同的位置。

正如您所描述的,如果您的应用程序需要用户和区域之间的强大、不可侵犯的关联,则一种选择是在应用程序级别重定向用户(例如通过 HTTP 302)。

于 2015-09-28T10:55:54.887 回答