Consider the following code:
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
#include <map>
// Class implements an stl compliant iterator to access the "sections" stored within a configuration.
template < typename _Iterator, typename _Reference >
class Section
: public boost::iterator_facade<
Section< _Iterator, _Reference >,
// Define the type of the base class:
typedef boost::iterator_facade<
Section< _Iterator, _Reference >,
> base_type;
// The following type definitions are common public typedefs:
typedef Section< _Iterator, _Reference > this_type;
typedef typename base_type::difference_type difference_type;
typedef typename base_type::reference reference;
typedef _Iterator iterator_type;
explicit Section( const iterator_type it )
: m_it( it )
{ }
// Copy constructor required to construct a const_iterator from an iterator:
template < typename _U >
Section( const Section< _U, _Reference > it )
: m_it( it.m_it )
{ }
// The following classes are friend of this class to ensure access onto the private member:
friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
template < typename _Iterator, typename _Reference > friend class Section;
void increment( ){ ++m_it; } // Advance by one position.
void decrement( ){ --m_it; } // Retreat by one position.
void advance( const difference_type& n ){ m_it += n }; // Advance by n positions.
bool equal( const this_type& rhs ) const{ return m_it == rhs.m_it; } // Compare for equality with rhs.
reference dereference( ) const { return m_it->second; } // Access the value referred to.
difference_type distance_to( const this_type& rhs ) const{ return rhs.m_it - m_it; } // Measure the distance to rhs.
// Current "section" iterator:
iterator_type m_it;
struct Data
void f( ) const
{ }
typedef std::map< int, Data > map_type;
typedef Section< const map_type::const_iterator, const Data& > iterator_type;
map_type g_map;
iterator_type begin( )
return iterator_type( g_map.begin( ) );
void main( )
iterator_type i = begin( );
// i->f( ); // <--- error C2039: 'f' : is not a member of 'std::_Tree_const_iterator<_Mytree>'
( *i ).f( );
So the iterator facade shall return a reference to Data type. This works well when dereference operator is called but compile fails when operator->() is called. So I am a bit confused because operator->() tries to return a std::map::iterator. Any ideas ?