I am trying to display 2 images, and skip one if it matches the following criteria (<cfif myDir.name eq property_mainimage>
which works fine, and then continue onto the next image and display the next image until I have a total of 2 images. But when the criteria image is say in row 5, the loop displays 3 images, when the criteria image is say row 1, it displays 2 images.
There doesn't seem to be a skip row in cfloop?
I have tried <cfif counter gt 3 > <cfabort>
which works but it displays the 3 images still of the criteria image is in a row greater than 3. Below is what i'm working with...
<cfdirectory directory="C:\Domains\domain.com\wwwroot\uploads\images\#property_ID#\" filter="*.jpg" name="myDir" type="file" sort="datelastmodified">
<cfset counter = 0>
<cfset endrowvalue = 3 >
<cfloop query="myDir" endRow="#endrowvalue#">
<cfset counter = counter +1 >
<cfif right(myDir.name,4) is ".jpg">
<cfif fileexists("C:\Domains\ domain.com\wwwroot\uploads\ images\#property_ID#\#left(mydir.name,len(myDir.name)-4)#.jpg")>
<cfif myDir.name eq property_mainimage>
<cfset endrowvalue = 1 >
<cfset myDir.endRow = 1 >
test #endrowvalue#
test #counter# <img src="#request.root#uploads/images/#property_ID#/#myDir.name#" border="0" width="230px" style="margin-bottom:15px;" />
any help would be most appreciated.