我知道如何启动一个运行有一个可执行文件的 Konsole,并在程序结束后让 Konsole 保持打开状态。我可以使用.desktop
但我想更进一步,启动一个打开多个选项卡的 KDE konsole,每个选项卡都运行一个特定的程序,当程序完成时它保持打开状态并给你一个提示。
Konsole 没有手册页,所以我什至不知道它可以采用哪些选项。还是一些 d-bus 呼叫?谢谢
在公认的解决方案中看到美的人希望不在软件开发中:) 这必须是单行的,否则必须提交错误报告。每个其他公共终端都有此选项。我做了一些研究,“几乎一个班轮解决方案”是这样的:
title: %n;; command: /usr/bin/htop
title: %n;; command: /usr/bin/ncmpcpp
(完整的文档位于 https://docs.kde.org/stable5/en/konsole/konsole/command-line-options.html。调用的命令二进制文件是示例。“%n”将选项卡命名为命令)
konsole --tabs-from-file path_to_tabs_file/tabs
结果:一个带有 3 个选项卡的新 konsole 窗口,运行定义的二进制文件和一个空提示。我无法运行 bash 脚本。但我只做了几分钟的测试。
我做了更多的挖掘,发现了更“主观”的美丽答案。目标:在 konsole 的 3 个不同选项卡中启动运行 irssi 的空 shell、音乐播放器和屏幕会话:
konsole --hold --new-tab &
konsole --hold --new-tab -e $SHELL -c "/usr/bin/screen -DRS irssi-in-screen irssi" &
konsole --hold --new-tab -e $SHELL -c "/usr/bin/ncmpcpp" &
线索不是直接执行命令,而是调用一个shell,它可以接收所有传递的参数。$SHELL 设置为 /bin/bash。这个“问题”记录在这里:
Quote: " Konsole 将 -e 选项之后的参数视为一个命令并直接运行它,而不是对其进行解析并可能将其划分为子命令执行。这与 xterm 不同。
konsole -e "command1 ; command2" does not work konsole -e $SHELL -c "command1 ; command2" works
这是一个使用 的解决方案qdbus
,请参阅D-Bus 文档。Konsole 文档对所使用的接口没有太多说明,因此需要进行一些实验。我在代码中留下了关于我尝试过的事情的评论,但这没有用。
这适用于 KDE 5。
#! /bin/bash
# Multi command start in various konsole tabs
# List of commands to run, with parameters, in quotes, space-separated; do not use quotes inside (see bash arrays)
COMMANDS=("/my/prog1 param" "/my/prog2 param2" "/my/prog3 param1 param2 param3")
# KDS=$KONSOLE_DBUS_SERVICE # This is a ref to current Konsole and only works in Konsole
# KDS=$(org.kde.konsole) # This is found in some examples but is incomplete
qdbus >/tmp/q0 # Get the current list of konsoles
/usr/bin/konsole # Launch a new konsole
# PID=$! # And get its PID - But for some reason this is off by a few
sleep 1
qdbus >/tmp/q1 # Get the new list of konsoles
# KDS=org.kde.konsole-$PID
# KDS=org.kde.konsole # Sometimes
KDS=$(diff /tmp/q{0,1} | grep konsole) # Let's hope there's only one
#echo $KDS
echo $KDS
echo $KDS >/tmp/KDS
echo >>/tmp/KDS
qdbus $KDS >>/tmp/KDS || exit
echo >>/tmp/KDS
# See note https://docs.kde.org/trunk5/en/applications/konsole/scripting.html about using /Konsole
qdbus $KDS /Konsole >>/tmp/KDS
echo >>/tmp/KDS
for i in "${COMMANDS[@]}"
echo "Starting: $i"
echo >>/tmp/KDS
if [ $FirstTime -eq 1 ]
session=$(qdbus $KDS /Konsole currentSession)
session=$(qdbus $KDS /Konsole newSession)
echo $session >>/tmp/KDS
# Test: Display possible actions
qdbus $KDS /Sessions/${session} >>/tmp/KDS
# Doesn't work well, maybe use setTabTitleFormat 0/1 instead
# Title "0" appears to be the initial title, title "1" is the title used after commands are executed.
#qdbus $KDS /Sessions/${session} setTitle 0 $i
#qdbus $KDS /Sessions/${session} setTitle 1 $i
# The line break is necessary to commit the command. \n doesn't work
qdbus $KDS /Sessions/${session} sendText "${i}
# Optional: will ping when there's no more output in the window
qdbus $KDS /Sessions/${session} setMonitorSilence true
2016 年更新:qdbus 的结构再次发生变化。这是上述脚本的更新(我省略了原始脚本,因为根据您的 KDE 版本,您可能需要一个或另一个):
#! /bin/bash
# Multi command start in various konsole tabs
# List of commands to run, with parameters, in quotes, space-separated; do not use quotes inside (see bash arrays)
COMMANDS=("echo 1" "echo 2" "echo 3")
# KDS=$KONSOLE_DBUS_SERVICE # This is the ref of the current konsole and only works in a konsole
# KDS=$(org.kde.konsole) # This is found in some examples but is incomplete
qdbus >/tmp/q0 # Get the current list of konsoles
/usr/bin/konsole # Launch a new konsole
sleep 1
qdbus >/tmp/q1 # Get the new list of konsoles
KDS=$(diff /tmp/q{0,1} | grep konsole) # Let's hope there's only one
echo $KDS
echo $KDS >/tmp/KDS
echo >>/tmp/KDS
qdbus $KDS >>/tmp/KDS || exit
echo >>/tmp/KDS
# See note https://docs.kde.org/trunk5/en/applications/konsole/scripting.html about using /Konsole
qdbus $KDS /konsole >>/tmp/KDS
echo >>/tmp/KDS
for i in "${COMMANDS[@]}"
echo "Starting: $i"
echo >>/tmp/KDS
if [ $FirstTime -eq 1 ]
session=$(qdbus $KDS /Windows/1 currentSession)
session=$(qdbus $KDS /Windows/1 newSession)
echo $session >>/tmp/KDS
# Test: Display possible actions
qdbus $KDS /Sessions/${session} >>/tmp/KDS
# The line break is necessary to commit the command. \n doesn't work
qdbus $KDS /Sessions/${session} sendText "${i}
# Optional: will ping when there's no more output in the window
qdbus $KDS /Sessions/${session} setMonitorSilence true
上面的qdbus解决方案对我不起作用,因为可阻止调用 /usr/bin/konsole,所以我对其进行了一些升级。我正在使用ZSH,所以改变你的 shebang。
#! /bin/zsh
# Multi command start in various konsole tabs
# List of commands to run, with parameters, in quotes, space-separated; do not use quotes inside (see bash arrays)
COMMANDS=("vi" "nano")
# Geting length of the COMMANDS array
# Simple /usr/bin/konsole block this script, no work for me. So use qdbus to run konsole
qdbus org.kde.klauncher5 /KLauncher exec_blind "/usr/bin/konsole" "/home/$USER"
# Wait until konsole was run up completely. 1s for me
sleep 1s
# get the last added konsole and save it in $KDS variable
qdbus | grep konsole | tail -1 | { read KDS }
# loop the array with commands .
for (( i=1; i<=$len_arr; i++ ))
if [ $i -gt 1 ]
# for all commands beside first getting the number of the new konsole tab
session=$(qdbus $KDS /Windows/1 newSession)
# get the number of the current console tab
session=$(qdbus $KDS /Windows/1 currentSession)
# run current command in tab
qdbus $KDS /Sessions/${session} runCommand "${COMMANDS[$i]}"
# Silence if you need. I'm not using it.
# Optional: will ping when there's no more output in the window
# qdbus $KDS /Sessions/${session} setMonitorSilence true