如何使用 URLClassLoader 加载 *.class 文件?
但是,由于缺乏示例,我不太了解。我目前正在做一个项目并尝试加载用户给定的 .class 对象,这些对象可以位于机器上的任何目录中。
//Create URL to hash function class file
URL url_hashFunctionPath = new URL("file:///" + _sHashFunctionFilePath);
//Packet URL to a URL array to be used by URLClassLoader
URL[] urlA_hashFunctionPath = {url_hashFunctionPath};
//Load URL for hash function via a URL class loader
URLClassLoader urlCl_hashFunctionClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(urlA_hashFunctionPath);
//Load user hash function into class to initialize later (TEST: HARD CODE FOR NOW)
m_classUserHashClass = urlCl_hashFunctionClassLoader.loadClass(_sUserHashClassName);
最后一行给了我一个 ClassNotFoundException,从我的实验和理解用户给定的类函数必须在类路径中?
我在 [WillShackleford][1] 的慷慨帮助下得出的解决方案,该解决方案可以在给定的文件路径中加载 .class 文件。有关更多信息,请参阅代码及其给出的注释。
//The absolute file path to the class that is to be loaded (_sHashFunctionFilePath = absolute file path)
String pathToClassFile = _sHashFunctionFilePath;
System.out.println("File to class: " + _sHashFunctionFilePath);
//Declare the process builder to execute class file at run time (Provided filepath to class)
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("javap", pathToClassFile);
//Start the process builder
Process p = pb.start();
//Declare string to hold class name
String classname = null;
//Declare buffer reader to read the class file & get class name
try(BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())))
String line;
while(null != (line = br.readLine()))
if(line.startsWith("public class"))
classname = line.split(" ")[2];
System.out.println("classname = " + classname);
catch(IOException _error)
//Declare file path to directory containing class to be loaded
String pathToPackageBase = pathToClassFile.substring(0, pathToClassFile.length() - (classname + ".class").length());
System.out.println("pathToPackageBase = " + pathToPackageBase);
//Create class to hold the class to be loaded via a URL class loader
Class clss = new URLClassLoader(
new URL[]{new File(pathToPackageBase).toURI().toURL()}
//Create ab object/instance of said class
Object test = clss.newInstance();
//Declare & create requested method from user hash function class (Method is work & takes no arguments)
Method method = clss.getMethod("work", null);
method.invoke(test, null);