我的目标是简单地输出一个包含我翻译的 F# 库的 javascript 文件。而已。
我有一个空的解决方案,我添加了两个 F# 项目。一个是WSLib
namespace WSLib
type Class1() =
member this.X = "F#"
module Foo =
let bar = 34
NuGet 包。它有一个文件。我从http://www.fssnip.net/snippet/rP复制了代码的前半部分。
module Program
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
open WebSharper
type AR = IntelliFactory.Core.AssemblyResolution.AssemblyResolver
module FE = WebSharper.Compiler.FrontEnd
let compile (expr: Expr) : string option =
let loader = FE.Loader.Create (AR.Create()) (eprintfn "%O")
let options =
{ FE.Options.Default with
References =
List.map loader.LoadFile [
// These contain the JavaScript implementation for most of the standard library
// Add any other assemblies used in the quotation...
] }
let compiler = FE.Prepare options (sprintf "%A" >> System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine)
compiler.Compile expr
|> Option.map (fun e -> e.ReadableJavaScript)
let main() =
let a = WSLib.Class1().X
let b = WSLib.Foo.bar
let code =
match (compile <@ main() @>) with
|None -> failwith "parse failed"
|Some x -> x
open System.IO
let filePath = Path.Combine(System.Environment.CurrentDirectory, "index.js")
File.WriteAllText(filePath, code)
{Location = {ReadableLocation = "main";
SourceLocation = null;};
Priority = Error;
Text = "Failed to translate property access: X [WSLib.Class1].";}
{Location = {ReadableLocation = "main";
SourceLocation = null;};
Priority = Error;
Text = "Failed to translate property access: bar [WSLib.Foo].";}
我需要做什么才能让 websharper 编译器与不同的项目一起工作?如果我将WebSharper
包包含在 WSLib 中并替换ReflectedDefinition