After some research I found the solution to append the output of a sqlcmd command to a csv file. Everything is fine when using the Command Shell:

C:\temp>sqlcmd -S <SERVER> -d <DATABASE> -E -Q "SELECT [something] FROM [TableX] WHERE [columnY] IS NOT NULL;" -W -h-1 -s";" >>"<FULL_PATH_TO_CSV-FILE>"

I want to schedule this stuff by using SQL Server Job Agent (with same account as with console) so I add a Job (type CmdExec). Job execution fails with the following error (unexpected argument):

Meldung Ausgeführt als Benutzer: ''[ACCOUNT]''. Sqlcmd: '>>''[FULL_PATH_TO_CSV-FILE]'': Unerwartetes Argument. Geben Sie '-?' ein, um die Hilfe anzuzeigen. Prozessexitcode 1. Fehler bei Schritt.

My workaround works fine: remove >>"<FULL_PATH_TO_CSV-FILE>" and use the output file of the step. But: I want to use the output file for logging purposes - not for the data output ...

The question is: why does the ">>" command does not work within a SQL Server Agent job?

I don't want to simply redirect the output. I know that sqlcmd provides the parameter -o for that. In this case an existing file would be overwritten. That's not what I want.

Unfortunatelly I do not have the reputation to post the screenshots so far.

Thanks you very much in advance!

Best regards, D.C.


1 回答 1


我认为这里的问题是 SQL Server 代理创建进程“sqlcmd”并将整行作为参数发送给它。所以“sqlcmd”不知道这是什么意思——“>>...”并返回错误。

要使用此 (">>") 命令外壳语法,您应该在 SQL 代理中调用它。所以试试:

cmd.exe /c "sqlcmd -S -d -E -Q "SELECT [something] FROM [TableX] WHERE [columnY] IS NOT NULL;" -W -h-1 -s";" >>"""

于 2015-09-24T13:46:27.823 回答