I have queried directly with Intel which is still pending. Basically I have searched the internet quite rigorously but have been unable to determine if the asynchronous library described here is available as part of the library downloaded from here.

Note: I have actually installed Student version of Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition for windows, which as far as I can tell includes the ipp library linked above.

I intend to use the library as part of OpenCV-3.0, which I have successfully built without ipp_a for the time being using cmake.

My end goal for now is to be able to run this tutorial successfully.


1 回答 1


英特尔做出了回应,似乎异步功能尚未包含在 ipp 中,这是一种耻辱。他们在开发者专区论坛上的回复如下:

“异步库是预览库,现在 IPP 中没有。

预览版旨在征求社区对这些功能的反馈,并且可能会根据社区反馈进行更改。目前,IPP 预览包中没有任何功能包含在 IPP 中,并且之前的包不再可用。

虽然该软件包不存在,但 IPP 提供了 IPCV 软件包,它为一些 OpenCV 功能提供了 CPU 优化:

请检查新的 OpenCV 3.0 文档: http: //opencv.org/opencv-3-0.html

英特尔 IPP (IPPCV) 的一个子集免费提供给我们和我们的用户,免收许可费,用于商业和非商业用途。默认情况下,它在 Windows、Linux 和 Mac 上的 x86 和 x64 构建中使用。”

链接到此处的论坛:https ://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/intel-integrated-performance-primitives/topic/594325#comment-1841423

于 2015-09-25T13:28:11.163 回答