array_fill_keys( range(0,32), 'Poor' ),
array_fill_keys( range(33,65), 'Moderate' ),
array_fill_keys( range(66,89), 'Above average' ),
array_fill_keys( range(90,100), 'Excellent' )
$quiz_results = array(
'q1' => 'no',
'q2' => 'yes',
'q3' => 'no'
$answers = array(
1 => 'yes',
2 => 'no',
3 => 'yes'
while( $answer = current( $quiz_results ) ) {
$score += ( $answer==$answers[ $i ] ) ? 1 : 0;
echo 'Question [ '.$i.' ]: You answered: '.$answer.', The correct answer is: '.$answers[ $i ].'<br />';
next( $quiz_results );
echo 'Score: '.$score.'/'.count( $quiz_results ).' - '.round( abs( ( $score / count( $quiz_results ) ) * 100 ),2).'%';
echo '<br />Rating: '. $rating[ ceil( abs( ( $score / count( $quiz_results ) ) * 100 ) ) ];
You answered: no, The correct answer is: yes
You answered: yes, The correct answer is: no
You answered: no, The correct answer is: yes
Score: 0/3 - 0%
Rating: Poor