我将在这里扩展 mmendez.semantic 的答案,并解释子线程中描述的问题。
def dropSubColumn(col: Column, colType: DataType, fullColName: String, dropColName: String): Option[Column] = {
if (fullColName.equals(dropColName)) {
} else if (dropColName.startsWith(s"$fullColName.")) {
colType match {
case colType: StructType =>
.flatMap(f =>
dropSubColumn(col.getField(f.name), f.dataType, s"$fullColName.${f.name}", dropColName) match {
case Some(x) => Some(x.alias(f.name))
case None => None
: _*))
case colType: ArrayType =>
colType.elementType match {
case innerType: StructType =>
// we are potentially dropping a column from within a struct, that is itself inside an array
// Spark has some very strange behavior in this case, which they insist is not a bug
// see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-31779 and associated comments
// and also the thread here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/39943812/375670
// this is a workaround for that behavior
// first, get all struct fields
val innerFields = innerType.fields
// next, create a new type for all the struct fields EXCEPT the column that is to be dropped
// we will need this later
val preserveNamesStruct = ArrayType(StructType(
innerFields.filterNot(f => s"$fullColName.${f.name}".equals(dropColName))
// next, apply dropSubColumn recursively to build up the new values after dropping the column
val filteredInnerFields = innerFields.flatMap(f =>
dropSubColumn(col.getField(f.name), f.dataType, s"$fullColName.${f.name}", dropColName) match {
case Some(x) => Some(x.alias(f.name))
case None => None
// finally, use arrays_zip to unwrap the arrays that were introduced by building up the new. filtered
// struct in this way (see comments in SPARK-31779), and then cast to the StructType we created earlier
// to get the original names back
case _ => Some(col)
} else {
def dropColumn(df: DataFrame, colName: String): DataFrame = {
df.schema.fields.flatMap(f => {
if (colName.startsWith(s"${f.name}.")) {
dropSubColumn(col(f.name), f.dataType, f.name, colName) match {
case Some(x) => Some((f.name, x))
case None => None
} else {
}).foldLeft(df.drop(colName)) {
case (df, (colName, column)) => df.withColumn(colName, column)
// if defining the functions above in your spark-shell session, you first need imports
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
// now you can paste the function definitions
// create a deeply nested and complex JSON structure
val jsonData = """{
"foo": "bar",
"top": {
"child1": 5,
"child2": [
"child2First": "one",
"child2Second": 2,
"child2Third": -19.51
"child3": ["foo", "bar", "baz"],
"child4": [
"child2First": "two",
"child2Second": 3,
"child2Third": 16.78
// read it into a DataFrame
val df = spark.read.option("multiline", "true").json(Seq(jsonData).toDS())
// remove a sub-column
val modifiedDf = dropColumn(df, "top.child2.child2First")
|-- foo: string (nullable = true)
|-- top: struct (nullable = false)
| |-- child1: long (nullable = true)
| |-- child2: array (nullable = true)
| | |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
| | | |-- child2Second: long (nullable = true)
| | | |-- child2Third: double (nullable = true)
| |-- child3: array (nullable = true)
| | |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
| |-- child4: array (nullable = true)
| | |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
| | | |-- child2First: string (nullable = true)
| | | |-- child2Second: long (nullable = true)
| | | |-- child2Third: double (nullable = true)
|foo|top |
|bar|[5, [[2, -19.51]], [foo, bar, baz], [[two, 3, 16.78]]]|