Question: On http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10150007

one can see a map of european countries colored according to state debt/deficit. Now I would have already found it useful several times if I was able to do such a thing myself, for example to visualize regional sales data.

Does anybody know: Is there any (OpenSource) tool with which I can color a world/continental/reginal map according to colors mapped to values in a database ?

Or any tool that can construct a custom map ?

Or if there is no such thing, how would one do such a thing oneselfs ?
Get the outlines of countries from somewhere,
make everything outside the country outlines transparent,
set the coordinates and z-indeces to stack several images over one another,
and then replace the base color with the selected color in each image,
then merge the result to a single picture ?


1 回答 1


我通常在 R 中执行此操作。 这里有一堆如何在 R 中执行此操作的示例。

我也玩了一点QQis,而 IIRC 它可以从 postgres PostGIS 文件中获取输入。

规范的商业工具是 ArcView,但最终价格昂贵。

地图的标准文件格式是 ESRI Shapefiles。这些实际上是具有以 DBase IV 格式存储的属性的文件集合。谷歌搜索“shapefile viewer”将为您提供很多工具。


于 2010-07-17T17:27:26.173 回答