I recentrly upgraded my gitlab server to 8.0, migrated my CI data using the CI migration guide, and push some commits, but now all my builds failed because it cannot fetch data.

docker runner states :

Cloning repository...
Cloning into '/builds/ns/project'...
fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://gitlab-ci-token:d33[...]a6@git.geekwu.org/ns/project.git/'

ERROR: Build failed with: exit code 128

I've tried to re-register runners but got no more success

I've tried to change the CI token (this token is project-specific) without success

NB: the projects are private, but was built with gitlab 7.x


1 回答 1



要更正它们,可以连接到数据库,在服务表中获取令牌,类型为“GitlabCiService”:令牌在字段属性中以 JSON 编码

将其放入 CI 令牌中(在 Web 应用程序中,位于 CI > 项目 > 设置 > CI 令牌中;在数据库中,位于 ci_projects 表的令牌字段中)

编辑 错误报告已关闭,标记为已修复

于 2015-09-22T19:26:12.410 回答