遗留应用程序有一个巨大的字符串缓冲区(大小有时高达 1 Mb),它会按顺序处理以修改内容。我必须实现一个更改,其中我需要更新字符串缓冲区以删除以某些特定单词开头的一些行。有哪些可能的方法来实现这一点?


ABC:djfk kdjf kdsjfk#
ABC:jfue eijf iefe# 
DEL:kdjfi efe eei # 
DEL:ieeif dfddf dfdf#
HJU:heuir fwer ouier# 
ABC:dsf erereree ererre #




3 回答 3





于 2010-07-17T12:39:39.520 回答

可以有效就地执行此操作。您必须以适当的时间间隔覆盖缓冲区中的字符,然后在逻辑上使用setLength. 这将是相当复杂的,但它将是就地和O(N).


Doing this out-of-place is quite trivial and O(N) but would require a secondary buffer, doubling the space requirement.


Here's a simple proof-of-concept. removeIntervals takes a StringBuffer and an int[][] intervals. Each int[] is assumed to be a pair of { start, end } values (half-open range, exclusive upper bound). In linear time and in-place, these intervals are removed from the StringBuffer by a simple overwrite. This works when intervals are sorted and non-overlapping, and processed left-to-right.

The buffer is then shortened with setLength, cutting off as many characters that were removed.

static void overwrite(StringBuffer sb, int dst, int srcFrom, int srcTo) {
    for (int i = srcFrom; i < srcTo; i++) {
        sb.setCharAt(dst++, sb.charAt(i));
static int safeGet(int[][] arr, int index, int defaultValue) {
    return (index < arr.length) ? arr[index][0] : defaultValue;
static void removeIntervals(StringBuffer sb, int[][] intervals) {
    int dst = safeGet(intervals, 0, 0);
    int removed = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < intervals.length; i++) {
        int start = intervals[i][0];
        int end   = intervals[i][1];
        int nextStart = safeGet(intervals, i+1, sb.length());
        overwrite(sb, dst, end, nextStart);
        removed += end - start;
        dst += nextStart - end;
    sb.setLength(sb.length() - removed);

Then we can test it as follows:

    String text = "01234567890123456789";
    int[][][] tests = {
        { { 0, 5, },
        }, // simple test, removing prefix
        { { 1, 2, }, { 3, 4, }, { 5, 6, }
        }, // multiple infix removals
        { { 3, 7, }, { 18, 20, },
        }, // suffix removal
        }, // no-op
        { { 0, 20 },
        }, // remove whole thing
        { { 7, 10 }, { 10, 13 }, {15, 15 }, 
        }, // adjacent intervals, empty intervals

    for (int[][] test : tests) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(text);
        System.out.printf("> '%s'%n", sb);
        System.out.printf("- %s%n", java.util.Arrays.deepToString(test));
        removeIntervals(sb, test);
        System.out.printf("= '%s'%n%n", sb);

This prints (as seen on ideone.com):

> '01234567890123456789'
- [[0, 5]]
= '567890123456789'

> '01234567890123456789'
- [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
= '02467890123456789'

> '01234567890123456789'
- [[3, 7], [18, 20]]
= '01278901234567'

> '01234567890123456789'
- []
= '01234567890123456789'

> '01234567890123456789'
- [[0, 20]]
= ''

> '01234567890123456789'
- [[7, 10], [10, 13], [15, 15]]
= '01234563456789'

Getting the intervals

In this specific case, the intervals can either be built in a preliminary pass (using indexOf), or the whole process can be done in one pass if absolutely required. The point is that this can definitely be done in-place in linear time (and if absolutely necessary, in a single-pass).

An out-of-place solution

This is out-of-place using a secondary buffer and regex. It's offered for consideration due to its simplicity. Unless further optimization is provably required (after evidentiary profiling results), this should be good enough:

    String text =
        "DEL: line1\n" +
        "KEP: line2\r\n" +
        "DEL: line3\n" +
        "KEP: line4\r" +
        "DEL: line5\r" +
        "DEL: line6\r" +
        "KEP: line7\n" +
        "DEL: line8";
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(text);
    Pattern delLine = Pattern.compile("(?m)^DEL:.*$");
    String cleanedUp = delLine.matcher(sb).replaceAll("<deleted!>");

This prints (as seen on ideone.com):

KEP: line2
KEP: line4
KEP: line7


于 2010-07-17T12:47:53.173 回答

If the lines in the stringbuffer are separated by newlines, you could read it in and create a new buffer. For a 1 meg buffer this completes in tens of milliseconds and is faster than a Regex. You could create a custom version of StringReader to directly read the StringBuffer rather than convert to string to save a little bit more time.

final String NEWLINE = System.getProperty("line.separator");
StringBuffer nuBuffer = new StringBuffer();
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(sbData.toString()));
String line;
while ( (line = br.readLine()) != null) {
    if (!line.startsWith("DEL:")) {  // don't copy lines starting with DEL:

于 2010-07-17T15:36:26.370 回答