我可以用 GCC 重现你的非“0 1 2 3 4”结果,尽管只能通过添加一个map.reserve(6)
或更多(奇怪的是,5 产生了“4 0 1 2 3”)。
下面的细节简单解释了我查看的 GCC 版本的行为......
for (size_t i = 0; i < map.bucket_count(); ++i)
std::cout << '[' << i << ']';
for (auto it = map.begin(i); it != map.end(i); ++it)
std::cout << ' ' << *it;
std::cout << '\n';
[0] 0
[1] 1
[2] 2
[3] 3
[4] 4
因此,建议“标准库可以在散列函数之上自由应用任何可逆函数,并且不保证给出任何关于排序的保证”的评论- 虽然是真的 - 不是这里发生的事情。
* Here's _Hashtable data structure, each _Hashtable has:
* - _Bucket[] _M_buckets
* - _Hash_node_base _M_before_begin
* - size_type _M_bucket_count
* - size_type _M_element_count
* with _Bucket being _Hash_node* and _Hash_node constaining:
* - _Hash_node* _M_next
* - Tp _M_value
* - size_t _M_code if cache_hash_code is true
* In terms of Standard containers the hastable is like the aggregation of:
* - std::forward_list<_Node> containing the elements
* - std::vector<std::forward_list<_Node>::iterator> representing the buckets
* The non-empty buckets contain the node before the first bucket node. This
* design allow to implement something like a std::forward_list::insert_after
* on container insertion and std::forward_list::erase_after on container
* erase calls. _M_before_begin is equivalent to
* std::foward_list::before_begin. Empty buckets are containing nullptr.
* Note that one of the non-empty bucket contains &_M_before_begin which is
* not a derefenrenceable node so the node pointers in buckets shall never be
* derefenrenced, only its next node can be.
* Walk through a bucket nodes require a check on the hash code to see if the
* node is still in the bucket. Such a design impose a quite efficient hash
* functor and is one of the reasons it is highly advise to set
* __cache_hash_code to true.
* The container iterators are simply built from nodes. This way incrementing
* the iterator is perfectly efficient independent of how many empty buckets
* there are in the container.
* On insert we compute element hash code and thanks to it find the bucket
* index. If the element must be inserted on an empty bucket we add it at the
* beginning of the singly linked list and make the bucket point to
* _M_before_begin. The bucket that used to point to _M_before_begin, if any,
* is updated to point to its new before begin node.
当您插入元素时,它们将进入 front 的前向列表,并且它是您在从begin()
此处的代码说明了迭代如何以相反的插入顺序返回值,而不考虑散列/冲突 -只要预先有足够的空间reserve()