这是整个程序的一部分。我遇到的问题是当给定n时,程序应该在当前或最后一个空格处插入一个换行符,以确保字符数(空格不包括在计数中)在a之前永远不会超过n插入换行符。它当前的行为是它将用换行符分割单词。保证:n 永远不会超过最大单词的字符数。示例:n = 9,成为或不成为这是个问题。想要的行为:
To be or not
to be that
is the
To be or not
to be th
at is
the question
public class Separator {
int n; //the int in front of read line
int cCount = 0; //character counter
int i;
int lastSpc;
char c; //for character iterator
String linePart;
public String separate(int n, String linePart) {
StringBuilder finLine = new StringBuilder(linePart);
for (i = 0; i < linePart.length(); i++) { //inspects each character in string.
c = linePart.charAt(i);
if (c == ' ') { //determines whether or not char is a space
if (cCount == n ) { //checks char count
finLine.replace(i, i, System.lineSeparator()); //adds new line if char count is reached right before space.
cCount = 0;
lastSpc = i;
else {
lastSpc = i; //assigns index to variable so no need to reverse through string.
else {
if (cCount == n) { //if char count is reached while inspecting letter,
finLine.replace(lastSpc, lastSpc, System.lineSeparator()); //replaces last space with new line char
cCount = i - lastSpc;
return finLine.toString();