#include <iostream>
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
static const int NUM_TEST_RUNS = 100000;
static const int ARRAY_SIZE = 500;
void runBenchmark(std::atomic<int>& atomic_count, int* count_array, int array_size, bool do_atomic_increment){
for(int i = 0; i < array_size; ++i){
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
int num_test_runs = NUM_TEST_RUNS;
int array_size = ARRAY_SIZE;
if(argc == 3){
num_test_runs = atoi(argv[1]);
array_size = atoi(argv[2]);
if(num_test_runs == 0 || array_size == 0){
std::cout << "Usage: atomic_operation_overhead <num_test_runs> <num_integers_in_array>" << std::endl;
return 1;
// Instantiate atomic counter
std::atomic<int> atomic_count;
// Allocate the integer buffer that will be updated every time
int* count_array = new int[array_size];
// Track the time elapsed in case of incrmeenting with mutex locking
auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
for(int i = 0; i < num_test_runs; ++i){
runBenchmark(atomic_count, count_array, array_size, true);
auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
// Calculate time elapsed for incrementing without mutex locking
auto diff_with_lock = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(end - start);
std::cout << "Elapsed time with atomic increment for "
<< num_test_runs << " test runs: "
<< diff_with_lock.count() << " ns" << std::endl;
// Track the time elapsed in case of incrementing without a mutex locking
start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < num_test_runs; ++i){
runBenchmark(atomic_count, count_array, array_size, false);
end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
// Calculate time elapsed for incrementing without mutex locking
auto diff_without_lock = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(end - start);
std::cout << "Elapsed time without atomic increment for "
<< num_test_runs << " test runs: "
<< diff_without_lock.count() << " ns" << std::endl;
auto difference_running_times = diff_with_lock - diff_without_lock;
auto proportion = difference_running_times.count() / (double)diff_without_lock.count();
std::cout << "How much slower was locking: " << proportion * 100.0 << " %" << std::endl;
// We loop over all entries in the array and print their sum
// We do this mainly to prevent the compiler from optimizing out
// the loop where we increment all the values in the array
int array_sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < array_size; ++i){
array_sum += count_array[i];
std::cout << "Array sum (just to prevent loop getting optimized out): " << array_sum << std::endl;
delete [] count_array;
return 0;
balajeerc@Balajee:~/Projects/Misc$ ./atomic_operation_overhead 1000 500
Elapsed time with atomic increment for 1000 test runs: 99852 ns
Elapsed time without atomic increment for 1000 test runs: 96396 ns
How much slower was locking: 3.58521 %
balajeerc@Balajee:~/Projects/Misc$ ./atomic_operation_overhead 1000 500
Elapsed time with atomic increment for 1000 test runs: 182769 ns
Elapsed time without atomic increment for 1000 test runs: 138319 ns
How much slower was locking: 32.1359 %
balajeerc@Balajee:~/Projects/Misc$ ./atomic_operation_overhead 1000 500
Elapsed time with atomic increment for 1000 test runs: 98858 ns
Elapsed time without atomic increment for 1000 test runs: 96404 ns
How much slower was locking: 2.54554 %
balajeerc@Balajee:~/Projects/Misc$ ./atomic_operation_overhead 1000 500
Elapsed time with atomic increment for 1000 test runs: 107848 ns
Elapsed time without atomic increment for 1000 test runs: 105174 ns
How much slower was locking: 2.54245 %
balajeerc@Balajee:~/Projects/Misc$ ./atomic_operation_overhead 1000 500
Elapsed time with atomic increment for 1000 test runs: 113865 ns
Elapsed time without atomic increment for 1000 test runs: 100559 ns
How much slower was locking: 13.232 %
balajeerc@Balajee:~/Projects/Misc$ ./atomic_operation_overhead 1000 500
Elapsed time with atomic increment for 1000 test runs: 98956 ns
Elapsed time without atomic increment for 1000 test runs: 106639 ns
How much slower was locking: -7.20468 %
这使我相信基准测试代码本身可能存在错误。我错过了一些错误吗?我使用 std::chrono 进行基准测试不正确吗?还是由于操作系统中与原子操作有关的信号处理的开销而产生的时间差?
Intel® Core™ i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz × 8
GNU/Linux:Ubuntu LTS 14.04 (64 bit)
GCC version: 4.8.4
Compilation: g++ -std=c++11 -O3 atomic_operation_overhead.cpp -o atomic_operation_overhead
编辑:使用 -O3 优化编译后更新了测试运行输出。
编辑:在运行测试以增加迭代次数并添加循环总和以防止按照 Adam 建议的循环增量进行优化后,我得到了更收敛的结果:
balajeerc@Balajee:~/Projects/Misc$ ./atomic_operation_overhead 99999999 500
Elapsed time with atomic increment for 99999999 test runs: 7111974931 ns
Elapsed time without atomic increment for 99999999 test runs: 6938317779 ns
How much slower was locking: 2.50287 %
Array sum (just to prevent loop getting optimized out): 1215751192
balajeerc@Balajee:~/Projects/Misc$ ./atomic_operation_overhead 99999999 500
Elapsed time with atomic increment for 99999999 test runs: 7424952991 ns
Elapsed time without atomic increment for 99999999 test runs: 7262721866 ns
How much slower was locking: 2.23375 %
Array sum (just to prevent loop getting optimized out): 1215751192
balajeerc@Balajee:~/Projects/Misc$ ./atomic_operation_overhead 99999999 500
Elapsed time with atomic increment for 99999999 test runs: 7172114343 ns
Elapsed time without atomic increment for 99999999 test runs: 7030985219 ns
How much slower was locking: 2.00725 %
Array sum (just to prevent loop getting optimized out): 1215751192
balajeerc@Balajee:~/Projects/Misc$ ./atomic_operation_overhead 99999999 500
Elapsed time with atomic increment for 99999999 test runs: 7094552104 ns
Elapsed time without atomic increment for 99999999 test runs: 6971060941 ns
How much slower was locking: 1.77148 %
Array sum (just to prevent loop getting optimized out): 1215751192
balajeerc@Balajee:~/Projects/Misc$ ./atomic_operation_overhead 99999999 500
Elapsed time with atomic increment for 99999999 test runs: 7099907902 ns
Elapsed time without atomic increment for 99999999 test runs: 6970289856 ns
How much slower was locking: 1.85958 %
Array sum (just to prevent loop getting optimized out): 1215751192
balajeerc@Balajee:~/Projects/Misc$ ./atomic_operation_overhead 99999999 500
Elapsed time with atomic increment for 99999999 test runs: 7763604675 ns
Elapsed time without atomic increment for 99999999 test runs: 7229145316 ns
How much slower was locking: 7.39312 %
Array sum (just to prevent loop getting optimized out): 1215751192
balajeerc@Balajee:~/Projects/Misc$ ./atomic_operation_overhead 99999999 500
Elapsed time with atomic increment for 99999999 test runs: 7164534212 ns
Elapsed time without atomic increment for 99999999 test runs: 6994993609 ns
How much slower was locking: 2.42374 %
Array sum (just to prevent loop getting optimized out): 1215751192
balajeerc@Balajee:~/Projects/Misc$ ./atomic_operation_overhead 99999999 500
Elapsed time with atomic increment for 99999999 test runs: 7154697145 ns
Elapsed time without atomic increment for 99999999 test runs: 6997030700 ns
How much slower was locking: 2.25333 %
Array sum (just to prevent loop getting optimized out): 1215751192