因此,我开始学习 Java,并想知道如何从源数组中只存储一次 string 和 int 类型的并行数组。例如,我有两个相互平行的数组,一个将电话号码存储为字符串,另一个将通话的持续时间存储为从每个电话号码获取的 a/an int。
String[] phoneNumbers;
phoneNumbers = new String[100];
int[] callDurations = new int[phoneNumbers.length];
int size = 0;
phoneNumbers[0] = "888-555-0000";
callDurations[0] = 10;
phoneNumbers[1] = "888-555-1234";
callDurations[1] = 26;
phoneNumbers[2] = "888-555-0000";
callDurations[2] = 90;
phoneNumbers[3] = "888-678-8766";
callDurations[3] = 28;
size = 4;
public static void findAllCalls(String[] phoneNumbers, int[] callDurations, int size, String targetNumber) {
int match;
System.out.println("Calls from " + targetNumber + ":");
match = find(phoneNumbers, size, 0, targetNumber);
while (match >= 0) {
System.out.println(phoneNumbers[match] + " duration: " + callDurations[match] + "s");
match = find(phoneNumbers, size, match + 1, targetNumber);
System.out.println("\n\nAll calls from number: ");
findAllCalls(phoneNumbers, callDurations, size, "888-555-1234");
All calls from number:
Calls from 888-555-1234:
888-555-1234 duration: 26s
888-555-1234 duration: 28s
Process finished with exit code 0
All calls from number:
Calls from 888-555-1234:
888-555-1234 duration: 54s
Process finished with exit code 0
(26s + 28s)