I'm using Loadrunner 12 on recording a test script in a application, using Ajax Truclient Protocol. The workflow contains a step to copy a large number of text fields from a excel sheet/or a text file, but the problem I'm facing is when the truclient execut this step it will paste a character at a time. eventually the step gets a time out & the test script is getting failed from there. Hope if some one can help me out on this, to do the bulk txt copy paste step.


2 回答 2



于 2015-09-29T15:56:07.177 回答

打开写入文本的步骤 > 在下Typing Speed将值从 更改3600。这将提高粘贴数据时的键入执行速度(TruClient 并没有真正粘贴文本 - 它实际上是键入它)。

于 2017-03-11T10:26:17.797 回答