i am using Spring JmsTemplate for sending/pushing message to ActiveMQ queue. i know after listener start processing that message and any exception occur,that message will be considered as a poison pill and moved to default DLQ of acive mq.

is that same possible (i.e. that message will move to default Dead Letter Queue ) while sending/pushing that message to Queue if there is any connection error or any other error occured while sending?

for example -

public void push(){

jmsTemplate.send(test.Queue, "This message is from client"); //if any exception occur here,i want this message to be placed in DLQ }

please suggest is it possible?


1 回答 1


如果您无法连接以将其发送到主队列,则您可能也无法连接以将其发送到 DLQ。

于 2015-09-16T17:12:52.693 回答