I'm sure this is too late to do the original poster any good, but it may help others. I've been trying to do something similar, except to make the animation implicit when the hidden
property is changed. As Tom says, animating opacity
doesn't work in that case, as the change to the layer's hidden property seems to take effect right away (even if I delay the animation with beginTime
The standard implicit action uses a fade transition (CATransition
, type = kCATransitionFade
), but this operates on the whole layer and I want to perform another animation at the same time, which is not a compatible operation.
After much experimentation, I finally noticed @Kevin's comment above and --- hello! --- that actually works! So I just wanted to call it out so the solution is more visible to future searchers:
CAKeyframeAnimation* hiddenAnim = [CAKeyframeAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"hidden"];
hiddenAnim.values = @[@(NO),@(YES)];
hiddenAnim.keyTimes = @[@0.0, @1.0];
hiddenAnim.calculationMode = kCAAnimationDiscrete;
hiddenAnim.duration = duration;
This delays the hiding until the end of the duration. Combine it with other property animations in a group to have their effects seen before the layer disappears. (You can combine this with an opacity animation to have the layer fade out, while performing another animation.)
Thank you, Kevin!