我正在尝试使用jQuery Panzoom插件,它大部分都很好,除了......

我希望最初缩放大图像以适合容器,并已contain: 'invert'启用。我已经对这个示例进行了调整,以便在首次加载图像时对其进行缩放和定位。

这很好用,图像位于(窗口大小)容器的中心。如果我contain: 'invert'用作 Panzoom 选项,图像位于右侧。我不知道为什么。

你可以在这里看到它的实际效果:https ://jsfiddle.net/7ugm9z51/2/


.zoom-container {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;

<div class="zoom-container">
  <img class="zoom-img" src="https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7314/15854478283_d2667a7264_o.jpg">

和 JavaScript:

  // Causes image to appear aligned right:
  contain: 'invert',

// Get container dimensions
var container_height = $('.zoom-container').height();
var container_width = $('.zoom-container').width();

// Get image dimensions
var image_height = $('.zoom-img').height();
var image_width = $('.zoom-img').width();

// Calculate the center of image since origin is at x:50% y:50%
var image_center_left = image_width / 2.0;
var image_center_top = image_height / 2.0;

// Calculate scaling factor
var zoom_factor;

// Check to determine whether to stretch along width or height
if(image_height > image_width) {
    zoom_factor = container_height / image_height;
} else {
    zoom_factor = container_width / image_width;

// Zoom by zoom_factor
$('.zoom-img').panzoom('option', 'minScale', zoom_factor);
$('.zoom-img').panzoom('zoom', zoom_factor, {animate: false});

// Calculate new image dimensions after zoom
image_width = image_width * zoom_factor;
image_height = image_height * zoom_factor;

// Calculate offset of the image after zoom
var image_offset_left = image_center_left - (image_width / 2.0);
var image_offset_top = image_center_top - (image_height / 2.0);

// Calculate desired offset for image
var new_offset_left = (container_width - image_width) / 2.0;
var new_offset_top = (container_height - image_height) / 2.0;

// Pan to set desired offset for image
var pan_left = new_offset_left - image_offset_left;
var pan_top = new_offset_top - image_offset_top;

$('.zoom-img').panzoom('pan', pan_left, pan_top);

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