I'm trying to build cling
on Windows7 following the instructions here:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=[Install Path] ..\src
cmake --build . --config [Release/Debug] --target cling
I notice that the compiler cmake is using being Visual Studio 12 2013
(either with cmake-gui or in cmdline), while I get the following error (full traceback is here):
Constructing LLVMBuild project information
CMake Error: File /cygdrive/e/ABOUT-C++/cling/src/LLVMBuild.txt does not exist.
CMake Error at E:/ABOUT-C++/cling/build/LLVMBuild.cmake:28 (configure_file):
configure_file Problem configuring file
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:431 (include)
CMake Error: File /cygdrive/e/ABOUT-C++/cling/src/bindings/LLVMBuild.txt does not exist.
CMake Error at E:/ABOUT-C++/cling/build/LLVMBuild.cmake:30 (configure_file):
configure_file Problem configuring file
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:431 (include)
Why is the path prefixed with /cygdrive/e/...
but not E:/...
? Are those valid paths? (The missing files cmake mention DO exist in the corresponding folder!)
Or is that because llvm / clang / cling
should be built with cygwin
on windows, while the compiler vc12
I'm using by default is incorrect?