我正在尝试编写一个脚本来关注 Twitter 上的人们。tweepy API 看起来相当不错,但我遇到了一些与从用户 ID 到他们的屏幕名称的映射相关的不直观行为。
In [1]: import tweepy
In [2]: api = tweepy.API()
# get an arbitrary tweet
In [3]: tweet = api.search("anything")[0]
In [5]: tweet.text
Out[5]: 'Currently mourning the [potential] loss of around 500 pictures I took while in Oklahoma. Anyone know anything about Canon Rebels?'
# who tweeted it?
In [6]: tweet.from_user
Out[6]: 'helloregan'
# get the tweeters id
In [7]: tweet.from_user_id
Out[7]: 101962792
# i'm paranoid. just want to make sure its right.
In [8]: helloregan = api.get_user(user_id=tweet.from_user_id)
# yep, same id.
In [9]: helloregan.id
Out[9]: 101962792
# lets check to see if its the same screen name? no. different person.
In [10]: helloregan.screen_name
Out[10]: 'kikiiputh'