我一直在尝试使用 Jenkins 从我的 build.gradle 文件运行单元测试。如果我使用命令./gradlew tasks
,我可以看到我设置的自定义任务。但是,如果我尝试通过 jenkins 运行相同的命令,我将无法在任务输出中看到它们。
我的 build.gradle 中的代码片段
task runDataUnitTests(dependsOn: [':data:test']) {
description 'Run unit tests for data layer.'
task runBusinessUnitTests(dependsOn: [':business:test']) {
description 'Run unit tests for business layer.'
task runPresenterUnitTests(dependsOn: [':presenter:test']) {
description 'Run unit tests for presenter layer.'
task runAllUnitTests(dependsOn: [runDataUnitTests, runBusinessUnitTests, runPresenterUnitTests]) << {
group = 'My tasks'
description 'Run unit tests for all layers.'
task testingTaskmma{
group = 'My tasks'
println 'is this task seen'
Android Studio 输出
Other tasks
assembleArtifacts - Builds the project artifacts
crashlyticsUploadDistributionLiveDebug - Uploads an APK to Crashlytics for distribution.
crashlyticsUploadDistributionLiveRelease - Uploads an APK to Crashlytics for distribution.
crashlyticsUploadDistributionStagingDebug - Uploads an APK to Crashlytics for distribution.
crashlyticsUploadDistributionStagingRelease - Uploads an APK to Crashlytics for distribution.
lintVitalLiveRelease - Runs lint on just the fatal issues in the LiveRelease build.
lintVitalStagingRelease - Runs lint on just the fatal issues in the StagingRelease build.
runAllUnitTests **<<< THIS DUDE HERE**
sonarqube - Analyzes project ':msmandroidapp' and its subprojects with SonarQube.
sonarRunner - Analyzes project ':msmandroidapp' and its subprojects with Sonar Runner.
Other tasks
assembleArtifacts - Builds the project artifacts
connectedInstrumentTest - Installs and runs instrumentation tests for all flavors on connected devices.
connectedLiveTest - Installs and runs the tests for LiveDebug flavor on connected devices.
connectedStagingTest - Installs and runs the tests for StagingDebug flavor on connected devices.
crashlyticsUploadDistributionLiveDebug - Uploads an APK to Crashlytics for distribution.
crashlyticsUploadDistributionLiveDebugAndroidTest - Uploads an APK to Crashlytics for distribution.
crashlyticsUploadDistributionLiveRelease - Uploads an APK to Crashlytics for distribution.
crashlyticsUploadDistributionStagingDebug - Uploads an APK to Crashlytics for distribution.
crashlyticsUploadDistributionStagingDebugAndroidTest - Uploads an APK to Crashlytics for distribution.
crashlyticsUploadDistributionStagingRelease - Uploads an APK to Crashlytics for distribution.
publishLive - Uploads a live-flavor specific APK to MobileAppStore
publishStaging - Uploads a staging-flavor specific APK to MobileAppStore
sonarRunner - Analyzes project ':msmandroidapp' and its subprojects with Sonar Runner.
uploadArtifacts - Builds the project artifacts and uploads them the to local maven repository.
正如您所看到的,我创建的其他自定义任务也从 jenkins 输出中丢失(例如 testingTaskmsma、hello 等)我已经尝试使用 gradle 包装器和调用等级选项(使用等级插件詹金斯),两者都不起作用。