我正在尝试显示 mysql 数据库中的日期值,它成功显示值,但显示日期“1970 年 1 月 17 日星期六 7:27 PM”



    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {
            // prepare the data

            var theme = 'energyblue';
            var source =
                 datatype: "json",
                 datafields: [
                     { name: 'startdate', type: 'date'},
                     { name: 'scheduleend', type: 'date'},
                     { name: 'venue', type: 'string'},
                     { name: 'trainer', type: 'string'},
                     { name: 'course', type: 'string'},
                     { name: 'link', type: 'string'}

                url: 'data.php',
                cache: false,
                filter: function()
                    // update the grid and send a request to the server.
                    $("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid('updatebounddata', 'filter');
                sort: function()
                    // update the grid and send a request to the server.
                    $("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid('updatebounddata', 'sort');
                root: 'Rows',
                beforeprocessing: function(data)
                    if (data != null)
                        source.totalrecords = data[0].TotalRows;                    
            var dataadapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source, {
                    loadError: function(xhr, status, error)

            // initialize jqxGrid
                source: dataadapter,
                theme: theme,
                width: 1220,
                filterable: true,
                sortable: true,
                autoheight: true,
                pageable: true,
                virtualmode: true,
                localization: getLocalization('en'),
                rendergridrows: function(obj)
                     return obj.data;    
                columns: [
                     { text: 'Start Date', datafield: 'startdate', width: 260, cellsformat: 'f' },
                     { text: 'End Date', datafield: 'scheduleend', width: 260, cellsformat: 'f'},
                     { text: 'Venue', datafield: 'venue', width: 120 },
                     { text: 'Trainer', datafield: 'trainer', width: 150 },
                     { text: 'Course', datafield: 'course', width: 350 },
                    { text: 'Link', datafield: 'link', width: 80, cellsalign: 'center', align: 'center', cellsformat: 'c2', cellsrenderer: function(row, cell, value) {
            return '<div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 5px;"><a href="'+value+'"/>View</a></div>'
} }

为什么日期显示为“1970 年 1 月 17 日星期六 7:27 PM”?如何显示原始日期值?




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