Correct me if I am wrong. For the private apps store, only intranet users able to download the apps.

https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/blogs/5things/entry/5_things_to_know_about_ibm_worklight_application_center?lang=en the above link show that the apps store and the files seems to be host in own premise.

Can users connect to public network or internet to download the setup files?

Can we host our apps store inside the premise but those binary data such as ipa and apk files is store outside of the premise or at other data center that have elastic network. And those contents can be managed by internal staff by internal network only. (In short is separate the binary files and the management web service server).

Sorry for my bad English.


For an example, https://developer.ibm.com/mobilefirstplatform/documentation/getting-started-7-1/foundation/moving-production/distributing-mobile-applications-with-application-center/

Can we host our application store on-premises but those binaries (.ipa and apk files) locate in another data center which has elastic network? At the same time, those binaries can be managed by internal staff with internal/private network, such as publish or unpublish apk files etc...


1 回答 1


要了解 IBM MobileFirst Platform Application Center,请访问:


Application Center 的目的是充当应用程序商店,与 Apple 的 App Store 和 Google Play 等商店有相似之处(排名、版本控制、更新等)。它的主要受众是企业用户。意思是,供公司员工内部使用的应用程序。



Application Center 服务器由公司拥有的机器托管,并且可以仅对内部网络可用,也可以对公共 Internet 可用 - 取决于应用程序的需要。
例如,如果客户端应用程序适用于现场代理,但客户更喜欢通过 Application Center 而不是通过 App Store/Google Play 为应用程序提供服务,则 Application Center 服务器必须可以通过公共 Internet 访问。

MobileFirst Server 托管 .wlapp 和 .adapter 文件,Application Center 服务器托管二进制文件 - .apk 或 .ipa 文件(而不是 App Store 或 Google Play)。

我们可以在本地托管我们的应用程序商店,但这些二进制文件(.ipa 和 apk 文件)位于另一个具有弹性网络的数据中心吗?

应用程序的二进制文件存储在数据库中。配置 Application Center 以连接到您的远程数据库,应该没问题。

同时,这些二进制文件可以由内部/私有网络的内部人员管理,例如发布或取消发布 apk 文件等...

管理员在服务器的 server.xml 中定义;它与任何询问无关。

于 2015-09-14T05:17:16.923 回答