在将与/作为源代码一起分发的插件(例如访问 Delicious 或 Twitter 的 Wordpress 插件)中处理 OAuth 的消费者密钥的最佳方法是什么?我知道OAuth 的设计并没有考虑到这一点,并且有解决它的建议,但目前最好的做法是什么?


  1. 将您的消费者秘密放入源代码中(可能会稍微混淆一下),并希望没有人会滥用它并让您的应用程序被禁止。如果有人这样做,请请求一个新密钥并为您的软件发布更新。这是Twitter 目前推荐的
  2. 告诉每个人获取自己的消费者密钥。这可能会使只知道如何安装插件的非开发人员感到困惑,并阻碍您快速试用您的软件



1 回答 1


A third option is to host a web application that acts as a proxy to whatever OAuth service you are using. All of your API keys stay under your control on your server. The downside is that you need to spend money to keep a machine running. As a bonus you can collect some analytics on the usage of your plugin.

Option two is possible if you think your users will be technical enough to generate their own API keys. I've implemented this method and it's a pain to support.

I don't recommend the first approach as people could steal your OAuth key and pretend to be your application. Once your API key is in the wild, the service will block your API key and your plugin will stop working. Then you'll scramble to try and upgrade a bunch of code that you don't have control of anymore.

于 2011-08-31T20:33:48.497 回答