有没有人碰巧知道如何使用 XFS API 来更新 ATM 加密密钥(例如 32 个字符的明文密钥对)?
我已阅读 CWA16374 文档,但不确定如何使用 API,因为涉及到许多命令(调用哪个命令以及如何调用)
有没有人碰巧知道如何使用 XFS API 来更新 ATM 加密密钥(例如 32 个字符的明文密钥对)?
我已阅读 CWA16374 文档,但不确定如何使用 API,因为涉及到许多命令(调用哪个命令以及如何调用)
遗憾的是,CEN XFS 标准并未涵盖所有方面,并且至少需要使用制造商特定的 API 来完成一些关键操作。
我只有 NCR 加密模块的经验,听起来你不会使用其中之一。
You need to use the msxfs.dll to access the XFS devices (in your case, I think this device will be PIN specification). All XFS devices works using the same API interface defined in msxfs.dll. You have a WFSStartUp command to start XFS Manager communication, a WFSOpen command to open a sesion with a specific device (The PIN in your case, a cash dispenser, a card reader, etc). Once you have access with WFSOpen, you need to execute WFSExecute or WFSGetInfo commands to access the device. For this you need the PIN API documentation (public in internet). This documentation describes the commnands you can execute using WFSExecute and WFSGetInfo XFS commands. There is a standard specification for each financial device type in the market. For keys, encryptions, etc, you have the PinPad device (a keyboard, key stored and cypher operations)
There are a lot of things to explain about it, but I think this would be a good starting point.
Here you have the starndard documentation: