我的代码使用 MARCReader 导入 MARC 文件,并将字符串与可接受答案列表进行比较。如果来自 MARC 的字符串在我的列表中没有匹配项,它将被添加到错误列表中。这在 Windows 7 上的 Python 2.7.4 安装中已经工作了多年,没有任何问题。我最近买了一台 Windows 10 机器并安装了 Python 2.7.10,现在带有非标准字符的字符串无法匹配。问题不仅仅在于 Python 2.7.10;我已经在这台新机器上安装了从 2.7.4 到 2.7.10 的每个版本,并且遇到了同样的问题。在 Windows 7 机器上新安装的 Python 2.7.10 也会出现问题。

我已经删除了不相关的功能,并且我已经大幅删除了主列表。在此示例中,“Académie des Sciences”是一个现有存储库,但“Acadm̌ie des Sciences”现在出现在我们的新存储库列表中。

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from aipmarc import get_catdb, get_bibno, parse_date
from phfawstemplate import browsepage #, nutchpage, eadpage, titlespage
from pymarc import MARCReader, marc8_to_unicode
from time import strftime
from umlautsort import alafiling
import urllib2
import sys
import os
import string

def make_newrepos_list(list, fn):   # Create list of unexpected repositories found in the MArcout database dump
    output = "These new repositories are not yet included in the master list in phfaws.py. Please add the repository code (in place of ""NEWCODE*""), and the URL (in place of ""TEST""), and then add these lines to phfaws.py. Please keep the list alphabetical. \nYou can find repository codes at http://www.loc.gov/marc/organizations/ \n \n"
    for row in list:
        output = '%s    reposmasterlist.append([u"%s", "%s", "%s"])\n' % (output, row[0], row[1], row[2])

    fh = open(fn,'w')

def main(marcfile):
    reader = MARCReader(file(marcfile))

    Creating list of preset repository codes.
    reposmasterlist =[[u"American Institute of Physics", "MdCpAIP", "http://www.aip.org/history/nbl/index.html"]]
    reposmasterlist.append([u"Académie des Sciences", "FrACADEMIE", "http://www.academie-sciences.fr/fr/Transmettre-les-connaissances/inventaires-des-fonds-d-archives-personnelles.html"])
    reposmasterlist.append([u"American Association for the Advancement of Science", "daaas", "http://archives.aaas.org/"])

    newreposcounter = 0
    newrepos = ""
    newreposlist = []

    findingaidcounter = 0
    reposcounter = 0

    for record in reader:
        if record['903']:                                   # Get only records where 903a="PHFAWS"
            phfawsfull = record.get_fields('903')
            for field in phfawsfull:
                phfawsnote = field['a']
                if 'PHFAWS' in phfawsnote:
                    if record['852'] is not None:           # Get only records where 852/repository is not blank
                        repository = record.get_fields('852')
                        for field in repository:
                            reposname = field['a']
                        reposname = marc8_to_unicode(reposname) # Convert repository name from MARC file to Unicode
                        reposname = reposname.rstrip('.,')
                        reposcode = None
                        reposurl = None
                        for row in reposmasterlist:             # Match field 852 repository against the master list. 
                            if row[0] == reposname:             # If it's in the master list, use the master list to populate our repository-related fields
                                reposcode = row[1]
                                reposurl = row[2]
                        if record['856'] is not None:       # Get only records where 856 is not blank and includes "online finding aid"
                            links = record.get_fields('856')
                            for field in links:
                                linksthree = field['3']
                                if linksthree is not None and "online finding aid" in linksthree:
                                    if reposcode == None:       # If this record's repository wasn't in the master list, add to list of new repositories
                                        newreposcounter += 1
                                        newrepos = '%s %s \n' % (newrepos, reposname)
                                        reposcode = "NEWCODE" + str(newreposcounter)
                                        reposurl = "TEST"
                                        reposmasterlist.append([reposname, reposcode, reposurl])
                                        newreposlist.append([reposname, reposcode, reposurl])
                                    human_url = field['u']

    # Output list of new repositories
    newreposlist.sort(key = lambda rep: rep[0])
    if newreposcounter != 0:
        status = '%d new repositories found. you must add information on these repositories, then run phfaws.py again. Please see the newly updated rewrepos.txt for details.' % (newreposcounter)
        make_newrepos_list(newreposlist, 'newrepos.txt')

if __name__ == '__main__':
        mf = sys.argv[1]
    except IndexError:
        sys.exit('Usage: %s <marcfile>' % sys.argv[0])

编辑:我发现只需注释掉“reposname = marc8_to_unicode(reposname)”行就能得到我想要的结果。我仍然不明白为什么会这样,因为这是之前的必要步骤。


1 回答 1


编辑:我发现只需注释掉“reposname = marc8_to_unicode(reposname)”行就能得到我想要的结果。我仍然不明白为什么会这样,因为这是之前的必要步骤。

这向我表明,数据库中字符串的编码从 MARC8 更改为 Unicode。您最近是否升级了您的编目系统?

于 2015-10-23T15:18:08.787 回答