I would like to set up a javascript listener on an iframe youtube 360 video player that would capture the pan/tilt coordinates of the 360 panorama that is being rotated.

Does anyone know if this is possible or some documentation for an api of the youtube 360 player? I have not been able to find any myself.


2 回答 2


The ability to read the pan/tilt coordinates isn't currently supported. There is no mention of 360 degree video players in the documentation. I filed a enhancement request for this feature.

于 2015-09-15T21:23:01.403 回答

I'm using the youtube api already to stream live VR :


check the object Livebroadcast object : you can specify : "rectangular" or "360"

NodeJs Example :

var start_date = new Date(Date.now() + (1000 /*sec*/ * 1 /*min*/ * 1 /*hour*/ * 1 /*day*/ * 1))

var youtube_broadcasts_body = {
    snippet: {
        "scheduledStartTime": start_date,
        "title": "Live from StackOverflow"
    status: {
        "privacyStatus": "unlisted"
    contentDetails: {
        "projection": "360",  <-------- this is for VR default is "rectangular"

var youtube_livebroadcast_params = {
    part: "id,snippet,status, contentDetails",
    resource: youtube_broadcasts_body

youtube.liveBroadcasts.insert(youtube_livebroadcast_params, callback) 
于 2017-05-31T19:43:14.693 回答