
我有 2 个函数正在尝试通过 Kleisli 箭头编写。这些函数接受字符串并生成 FreeC。kleisli 箭头的创建没有问题,但编译器抱怨它找不到。为简单起见,我将删除一些代码:

import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
import Free.FreeC
import Free._
import Kleisli._

trait AppCompose {

  def lift[F[_], G[_], A](fa: F[A])(implicit I: Inject[F, G]): FreeC[G, A] =


object BigBrother {

  sealed trait Sensor[A]
  case class Log(log: String) extends Sensor[Unit]
  case class Filter(log: String) extends Sensor[String]
  case class Secure(log: String) extends Sensor[String]


import BigBrother.Sensor

class BigBrother[F[_]](implicit I: Inject[Sensor,F]) extends AppCompose {
  import BigBrother._

  type FreeString[A] = FreeC[F,String]

  def log(log: String) = lift(Log(log))
  def filter(log: String) = lift(Filter(log))
  def secure(log: String) = lift(Secure(log))

  def filterAndSecure(phrase: String) = for {
    f <- filter(phrase)
    s <- secure(f)
  } yield s

  // kleisli composition attempt - alternative to filterAndSecure
  val fk = kleisli[FreeString, String, String](filter _)
  val sk = kleisli[FreeString, String, String](secure _)
  val fAndS = fk >=> sk // this is where we have a compilation issue



could not find implicit value for parameter b: scalaz.Bind[FreeString]
[error]   val fAndS = sk >=> fk

感觉应该解决隐含问题,因为 FreeC 在实现 Bind 特征的 monad 实例中,并且我正在通过 import Free._ 导入所有 Free 隐含实例




1 回答 1


谢谢特拉维斯的帮助。错误的类型声明实际上是罪魁祸首之一。在 scalaz 社区通过谷歌群组提供的一些帮助下,这里的一些修补就是答案:

class BigBrother[F[_]](implicit I: Inject[Sensor,F]) extends AppCompose {
  import BigBrother._

  def log(log: String) = lift(Log(log))
  def filter(log: String) = lift(Filter(log))
  def secure(log: String) = lift(Secure(log))

  def filterAndSecure(phrase: String) = for {
    f <- filter(phrase)
    s <- secure(f)
  } yield s

  type CoyoF[A] = Coyoneda[F, A]
  type FreeCoF[A] = Free[CoyoF,A]

  implicit val MonadFreeSensor = Free.freeMonad[FreeCoF]

  // kleisli composition attempt - alternative to filterAndSecure
  val fk = kleisli[FreeCoF, String, String](filter _)
  val sk = kleisli[FreeCoF, String, String](secure _)
  val fAndS = fk >=> sk


关键是正确的类型声明并为 FreeCoF隐式 val MonadFreeSensor = Free.freeMonad[FreeCoF]提供类型类 monad 实例

于 2015-09-11T01:33:47.410 回答