如果您知道 JSON 将是一个对象或数组,并且内容必须是这四个之一......
if(content.charAt(0) == "[" || content.charAt(0) == "{") {
} else if(content.charAt(0) == "<") {
if(content.indexOf("xmlns=\"http://www.xbrl.org/2001/instance\"") >= 0) {
} else {
// XML
} else {
// CSV ?...
// first remove strings
var testCSV = content.replace("\"\"", ""); // remove escaped quotes
testCSV = testCSV.replace(/".*?"/g, ""); // match-remove quoted strings
var lines = testCSV.split("\n");
if(lines.length === 1 && lines[0].split(",").length > 1) {
// only 1 row so we can only verify if there is two or more columns
// CSV
} else if(lines.length > 1 && lines[0].split(",").length > 1 && lines[0].split(",").length === lines[1].split(",").length) {
// we know there's multiple lines with the same number of columns
// CSV
// can't be sure what it is
// ???
编辑我还添加了一个快速 CSV 测试。