我是 android dev 的新手,现在使用 Eclipse。我正在尝试使用 Cardslib 库,但即使按照上述步骤操作,我也无法成功构建库。

特别是在以下步骤之后: - 将 java(*) 文件夹标记为源(单击文件夹 -> 构建路径 -> 用作源文件夹)。您还可以从项目中删除 src 文件夹。

我在 java 文件夹中收到错误,例如:

[2015-09-08 09:53:57 - cardslib] /Users/shrtrive/Documents/cardslib/cardslib-master/library-cards/src/cardslib/res/values/styles.xml:34: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'card.native.content_outer_layout'.

[2015-09-08 09:53:57 - cardslib]

[2015-09-08 09:53:57 - cardslib] /Users/shrtrive/Documents/cardslib/cardslib-master/library-cards/src/cardslib/res/values/styles.xml:48: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'card.native'.

[2015-09-08 09:53:57 - cardslib] 

[2015-09-08 09:53:57 - cardslib] /Users/shrtrive/Documents/cardslib/cardslib-master/library-cards/src/cardslib/res/values/styles.xml:55: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'card.native'.

[2015-09-08 09:53:57 - cardslib] 

[2015-09-08 09:53:57 - cardslib] /Users/shrtrive/Documents/cardslib/cardslib-master/library-cards/src/cardslib/res/values/styles.xml:64: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'card.native'.

[2015-09-08 09:53:57 - cardslib] 

根据清单,minSdkversion 为 14,目标为 21。


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